There are a few internal counters that keep track of the sequence of shortcodes on the page. this are the occurrence counters.
They are set to 0 when the page starts being builded, and every time during building the page when a shortcode (or widget) must be rendered, the counter is incremented.
So, when there are 3 wppa shortcodes and you link with …&wppa-occur=2… or …/oc2/… the specification of what should be displayed is not in shortcode number 2, but in the query string.
The simplest case: only [wppa type=”landing”] on the page is occurrance 1, so a link to it with /oc1/ in it will be rendered on that location, i.e. instead of the content of the landing shortcode (being nothing).
When the SEO plugin does internally render the page to find things it may need, the counter is incremented, and no longer 1 when the page is build up.
So the ‘first’ shortcode is no longer seen during page build up and the potd is not displayed
To test it a had some diagnostics in the code that showed me that the SEO plugin had set it to 3 or 4.
The fix is that i reset the counters to 0 at a very late point during the creation of the <head> section, so just prior to the <body>, so it is reset to zero after SEO did its tampering, just before the first shortcode; and incremented to 1 when the shortcode is interpreted, giving the right results.
You can use almost any wppa shortcodes (but not all, but type=”landing” will always work) as target for a link.
You can try e.g. [wppa type=”cover” album=”3″] in place of the landing shortcode.
When you open the ‘landing’ page it will show the album cover, but when it is used as a target page for a link from a widget, it will display that.