If you are familiar with php programming, you can install plugin PHP Code For Posts.
Then you can use the following functions:
wppa_get_album_name( $album_id );
wppa_get_treecounts_a( $album_id, $update );
If $update == true, recalculation is forced.
array( 'needupdate', // bool flag
'selfalbums', // int number of subalbums of the album only
'treealbums', // int total number of (sub)sub albums
'selfphotos', // int number of photos in the album only
'treephotos', // int total number of photos in the entire albumtree
'pendselfphotos', // int number of pending photos in the album
'pendtreephotos', // int number of pending photos in the tree
'scheduledselfphotos', // int number of scheduled photos in the album
'scheduledtreephotos', // int number of scheduled photos in the tree
'selfphotoviews', // int number of vieuw of photos in the album
'treephotoviews' ) // int number of vieuw of photos in the tree
$tree_counts = wppa_get_treecounts_a( $id );
echo 'Album ' . wppa_get_album_name( $id ) . ' has total ' . $tree_counts['treephotos'] . ' in the entire subalbum tree';