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  • Anonymous

    Brian from here.
    First thanks for all the kind words. I reall appreciate that.
    For you who doesn’t quite know Movable Type, it’s based on templates, and perl generates flatfiles. It keeps the data in a MySQL database and creates single files from that. Only the comments are extracted from the database on the fly. You can give the flatfiles any extension you like. I put it to .php to be able to use random small PHP hacks in my code. A good example of this, is the Exif data which is pulled out of the images through PHP.
    Hope that answers some of your questions.


    ahh yes. Thanks Brian.
    I take it you use Exifer by Jake Olefsky
    for EXIF data pull?
    Again, it’s still the slickest photoblog I have seen so far.
    the only possible thing missing is a sort of slideshow option but then again that would mean javascript and me no like that and maybe a break down of the archive view into months in order to reduce load time.
    darn i need to decide on a script ??



    My opinion: Just choose one.
    Frankly, WP and MT are both so nice that you will forget (in either case) about the trials of making the decision as soon as you make it. You will be too caught up with the blogging experience.
    And register already! ??


    Nope I didn’t use Exifer. I wrote my own php hack, using the PHP function exif_read_data.


    even niftier ??
    maybe this hack could be implemented in wp and wp-photo?


    Brian from here again.
    For those interested in how I pull the exif data, here’s the PHP code. It was written quite fast and sloppy and could probably have been done a lot smarter and prettier, but it works ?? :
    // Picture
    print “<img src=\””.$img.”\”><br>”;
    // List exif data
    $exif = read_exif_data ($img);
    while(list($k,$v)=each($exif)) {
    $picture[$k] = $v;
    if($picture[“ExposureTime”]) {
    // Focal length
    $focal = $picture[“FocalLength”];
    $focal2 = str_replace(“/”, ” “, $focal);
    $mm = explode(” “, $focal2);
    // print focal length
    print “Focal length: “.$mm[0]/$mm[1].”mm\n<br>”;
    $aperture = $picture[“ApertureValue”];
    $aperture2 = str_replace(“/”, ” “, $aperture);
    $aperture3 = explode(” “, $aperture2);
    $aperturefinal = $aperture3[0]/$aperture3[1];
    print “Aperture: f/”.round($aperturefinal,1).”<br>”;
    // Exposure
    $et = $picture[“ExposureTime”];
    $et2 = str_replace(“/”, ” “, $et);
    $ss = explode(” “, $et2);
    if ($ss[1] > 1) {
    print $picture[“ExposureTime”]. ” sec<br>”;
    print $ss[0]. ” sec<br>”;
    print “ISO: <b>”.$picture[“ISOSpeedRatings”].”</b>”;
    else {
    print “No Exif data”;
    Maybe I should register a user too? ??



    I made this site this morning using Greymatter 1.3. Very simple process. The links on the right take you to my galleries @ pbase is very inexpensive and reads exif, multple size viewing, and for 23 bucks a year it wins over anything I would ever install and keep up. I paid for the 300mb version which is 60 bucks. Very simple process to use also. No coding, just clicking buttons mostly. You can try it free for 30 days.
    i installed wordpress last night and would love to see some kind of photoblog. wordpress is clearly above all the other blogging software I have tried.

    Hey There,
    I have a photoblog ( done entirely by HTML and as you might tell, doing updates can be a pretty good chore – not entirely, but the load could be lightened (Using Dreamweaver MX makes the job much easier).
    Anyways, I was intrigued by having two features – comments under the photos and having the index page point directly towards the latest post.
    I was suggested by a plethora of other photobloggers to use Movable Type, but, alas, after consulting with the tech support of my hosting, they wouldn’t allow it.
    “Resource hogging and Spam issues” they claimed.
    So, after seeing Ryan Flynn’s photography page ( (although it doesn’t contain comments, I’m sure it could, possibly) I was intrigued to use Word Press.
    I installed it, and it got up and running quicker than movable type – congrats – however, There is a concern I have. It all seemed based on one single page, whereas I was looking to have it generate new pages (each publish makes a new page independant to the picture, persay)
    I want to make the move over so that the site looks almost entirely the same and the posts look exactly as the ‘posts’ I have now do (the same previous and next button, as well as the four hyperlinks on the upper right of the bar up top)
    Although Ryan’s is much more cleaner, I have noticed that, as I assume, all he has to do is go through the general process of publishing and then, thus, having it generate a new page.
    Is it possbile to do what I’m asking? To retain the layout and look of my site while attaining an easier to update ability/comments/index redirection without having to be sneaky with my hosting and use Movable Type?
    Thanks in advance,
    P.S. (Sorry for the long ramble)

    yes it is certainly possible to do.
    Wordpress uses CSS to do the layout, so you could definately get your old layout back. as for the page structures, that’s doable too.
    you can set the number of posts shown on each page to 1, and the index page would default to show the latest entry.
    the next and previous links are doable too, using these tags:
    <?php next_post() ?> and <?php previous_post() ?>
    taken from:
    edit the CSS and the index.php and you’re golden. a seperate archives.php is probably needed too, but it wont be hard to do. ?? good luck!

    What I’ love to have in WP is something like

    I’m not sure a gallery would fit. A gallery is to styore a lot of picturs, a photoblog purpose is to post on a regular basis some photo (or picture) with the ability to have comment, this is not exactly the same thing

    quite right, photoblog != gallery
    adding coppermine or menalto gallery or any other gallery script to WP is a bad idea imho and raises all kinds of problems, (xhtml) standard and security wise, let alone theme and usability wise.
    photoblog is just one more step to the real goal: mediablog.
    why differentiate between “content”? anything can be content! audio, video/streaming, photos, ascii art, you name it, “text” can be anything. offering/designing a comfortable interface to publish “text” is challenging and a continuously evolving process.
    intertextually yours

    To me, using something like WordPress is more powerful than a normal gallery, just for the cross catagorization that can happen. I’m working on making a gallery and a photolog out of a base install 1.2 version of WordPress (using a couple of plugins like wpPaginate). So when I post a photo, I put it into catagories like People, Black and White, etc.
    Right now, I’m trying to figure out the sizes of the photos I’m going to use and how the layout will work best. I’m contemplating putting the main photo in the excerpt field so it doesn’t interfere with my copy area. Also trying to read on the custom key to see if I can use that for thumbnails to display thumbs in archives…

    Has everyone checked out Pictorialis and Pictorialis II??
    Pictorialis example:
    Pictorialis download and announcement:
    Pictorialis II example:
    Pictorialis II download and announcement:
    These are all built out of WordPress.

    While on the topic of pictoralis – does anyone have a clue why the left part of “frame” of the thumbnails is missing on the main page? It looks okay in Firefox but in IE 6.0 it looks like cut off on the left. ANy idea how to fix that? I guess its probably some kind of problem with padding/margin as I’ve usually seen happening with IE and firefox but I’m at a total loss how to fix it in this case.

    try Exhibit.
    After few modification to exhibit, i finally got my photolog working the way I always wanted.

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