phone numbers in field not working properly
Sometime between 3/16/15 and 3/23/15 the phone number fields on our forms stopped working properly. Not just one form but all four that we created with version 1.01. It might have happened when I upgrading 1.1.3 but I’m not sure since I didn’t note the date when that update occurred.
Our firms ask for three phone numbers (Phone, Direct Dial, Fax) and use the format building into your plugin so they appear as three fields (3 digit area code, 3 digit prefix, and last four digits).
Before the information we received (in database and by email) looked like this:
Phone #:: 111-222-3333
Direct Dial #:: 444-555-6666
Fax #:: 777-888-9999Now it looks like this:
Phone #::
Phone #1:: 222
Direct Dial #::
Direct Dial #:: 555
Fax #::
Fax #:: 888They appear twice, one blank and again with just the 3-digit prefix.
I have no idea where to start to fix this. I was hoping the update to version 1.1.6 would sort this out but it didn’t.
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