In short: I’m going to adjust the plugin and keep this thread open until I do. I understand it’s urgent so I’m working on it.
Sorry for the inconvenience but yes, there was a breaking change (mentioned in the Change Log section under Development tab in the plugin repository), which should have used the WooCommerce WC_Order class shipping_phone field, rather than the previously used billing_phone.
Initialy, the reason for this change was that someone contacted me directly through my website, mentioned he’s not getting the shipping phone field on the label. I recalled there was never a dedicated shipping phone field in WooCommerce, but only billing phone. I even had a comment to myself in the plugin code that it’s weired.
After some research, turned out WooCommerce 5.6 release, around August 2021, added get_shipping_phone() method to the WC_Order class, and there actually is a shipping phone field, if you click the shipping details edit button in some order.
I guess for some reason, WooCommerce duplicates the billing details to shipping details, except the phone field, which is left empty. Furthermore, most themes don’t expose yet that dedicated shipping phone input field (when “Ship to a different address?” checkbox is selected, showing a separate shipping address form).
So, for now I guess I’ll simply use the billing phone if the shipping phone is empty. Hopefully it won’t lead to too many problems, since billing person’s phone might be different from the receiving one. At least until WooCoommerce and themes figure it out. Anyway this solution should work the same as previous versions and handle the new cases.