Pet ID?
Thanks so much for your previous help. I would like to know if there is a possibility of having an option for pet id? I would like to show one animal per post with your extension. Thanks.
Hi Jackie,
There isn’t a way in the current version of the plugin but I see Petfinder has a call to get information by pet id. I can add it in when I have time. I have a couple change requests to add in. Just need a little free time to make them happen.
Here is the new code for petfinder-listings.php with a new pet_get shortcode. Usage: ‘pet_get id=”#’ Returns a single pet
<?php /* Plugin Name: Petfinder Listings Plugin URI: Description: The Petfinder Listings plugin takes advantage of the Petfinder API and can be integrated into your site without coding. Version: 1.0.7 Author: Bridget Wessel Author URI: License: GPLv2 */ /* Copyright 2012 Bridget Wessel (email : [email protected]) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /********** Add default styles ************/ //ini_set("allow_url_fopen", true); function petfinder_listings_styles(){ wp_register_style('petfinder-listings-style', plugins_url( 'petfinder.css', __FILE__ )); wp_enqueue_style('petfinder-listings-style'); } add_action('init', 'petfinder_listings_styles'); /********** Add js to switch out photos ***********/ function petfinder_listings_scripts() { if (!is_admin()){ wp_register_script( 'petfinder_listings_scripts', plugins_url( '/petfinder.js', __FILE__ )); wp_enqueue_script( 'petfinder_listings_scripts' ); } } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'petfinder_listings_scripts', 10, 1); //add defaults to an array $petf_options = array( 'apikey' => 'default', 'shelter_id' => 'default', 'thumbnail' => 'pnt', 'large_image' => 'pn', 'powered_by' => 'Yes' ); include( dirname(__FILE__) . '/featuredpet-widget.php' ); //add settings to database if not already set add_option('Petfinder-Listings', $petf_options); $petf_options = get_option('Petfinder-Listings'); if(!isset($petf_options["powered_by"])){ $petf_options["powered_by"] = "Yes"; } // create custom plugin settings menu add_action('admin_menu', 'petf_admin_page'); add_action( 'widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("Petfinder_Listings_Featured_Pet");') ); function petf_admin_page() { add_options_page('Petfinder Listings Plugin Settings', 'Petfinder Listings', 'manage_options', 'petf', 'petf_options_page'); } // Add Settings to Plugin Menu $pluginName = plugin_basename( __FILE__ ); add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . $pluginName, 'petf_pluginActions' ); function petf_pluginActions( $links ) { $settings_link = '<a href="' . get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php' ) . "?page=petf".'">' . __('Settings') . '</a>'; array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); return $links; } //write settings page function petf_options_page() { global $petf_options; if(isset($_POST['save_changes'])) { check_admin_referer('petfinder-listings-update_settings'); $petf_options['apikey'] = $_POST['apikey']; $petf_options['shelter_id'] = $_POST['shelter_id']; $petf_options['thumbnail'] = $_POST['thumbnail']; $petf_options['large_image'] = $_POST['large_image']; $petf_options['powered_by'] = $_POST['powered_by']; update_option('Petfinder-Listings', $petf_options); echo "<div class=\"error\">Your changes have been saved successfully!</div>"; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Petfinder Settings</h2> <form name="petfinder-options" action="options-general.php?page=petf" method="post"> <?php if ( function_exists( 'wp_nonce_field' ) ) wp_nonce_field( 'petfinder-listings-update_settings' ); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row">Your Petfinder API Key (go <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to get one)</th> <td><input type="text" name="apikey" value="<?php echo $petf_options["apikey"] ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row">Shelter ID</th> <td><input type="text" name="shelter_id" value="<?php echo $petf_options["shelter_id"] ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row">Thumbnail Size (select fixed side size, other side varies depending on ratio of original photo)</th> <td><select name="thumbnail"> <option value="t" <?php echo $petf_options["thumbnail"] == "t" ? "selected='selected'" : ""?>>scaled to 50 pixels tall</option> <option value="pnt" <?php echo $petf_options["thumbnail"] == "pnt" ? "selected='selected'" : ""?>>scaled to 60 pixels wide</option> <option value="fpm" <?php echo $petf_options["thumbnail"] == "fpm" ? "selected='selected'" : ""?>>scaled to 95 pixels wide</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row">Large Image Size</th> <td><select name="large_image"> <option value="x" <?php echo $petf_options["large_image"] == "x" ? "selected='selected'" : ""?>>original, up to 500x500</option> <option value="pn" <?php echo $petf_options["large_image"] == "pn" ? "selected='selected'" : ""?>>up to 320x250</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Include Powered by Petfinder at bottom of page. Petfinder provides a great, free service for shelters and it is highly recommended you leave this on your Petfinder pages.</th> <td><input type="radio" value="Yes" name="powered_by" <?php echo ($petf_options["powered_by"] == "Yes")? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ?>>Yes <input type="radio" value="No" name="powered_by" <?php echo ($petf_options["powered_by"] == "No")? "checked=\"checked\"" : "" ?>>No</td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"><p>After saving, create a page with the shortcode [shelter_list] in the content. View this page to see your listings.</p> <p>You can also add the following options to your shortcode<br />[shelter_list shelter_id="WI185" breed="Italian Greyhound" count=75 animal="dog" include_info="no" css_class="igs" contact="Barb Smith"] </p></th> </tr> </table> <p class="submit"> <input type="hidden" name="save_changes" value="1" /> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" /> </p> </form> </div> <?php } // end function petf_options_page add_shortcode('shelter_list','petf_shelter_list'); add_shortcode('pet_get','petf_pet_get'); /** Using shortcode shelter_list grab all animals for this shelter. * Available Options: shelter_id (if want to list animals from shelter not set in Petfinder Listings settings), breed, count, animal, include_info, css_class and contact. * Breed can be inclusive or exclusive by adding ! before breed name. ***/ function petf_shelter_list( $atts ) { global $petf_options; extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'shelter_id' => $petf_options['shelter_id'], 'breed' => '', 'count' => 75, 'animal' => '', 'include_info' => 'yes', 'css_class' => 'pets', 'contact' => '', 'include_mixes' => 'no' ), $atts ) ); //get the xml $xml = simplexml_load_file( "" . $petf_options["apikey"] . "&count=" . intval($count) . "&id=" . $shelter_id . "&output=full" ); echo $xml; if( $xml->header->status->code == "100"){ $output_buffer = ""; if( count( $xml->pets->pet ) > 0 ){ $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"" . $css_class . "\">"; foreach( $xml->pets->pet as $dog ){ $firsttime = true; $bigfile = ""; //print_r($dog); $continue = false; if(($animal == "" || strtolower($dog->animal) == strtolower($animal)) && ($contact == "" || strtolower($dog->contact->name) == strtolower($contact))){ if( $breed != "" ){ foreach( $dog->breeds->breed as $this_breed ){ if( strpos( $breed, "!" ) === false ){ if( strtolower($breed) == strtolower($this_breed) && ($dog->mix == "no" || ($dog->mix == "yes" && $include_mixes == "yes"))){ $continue = true; break; //looking for specific breed and it was found } }else{ if( strtolower(str_replace( "!", "", $breed )) == strtolower($this_breed) && $dog->mix == "no" ){ break; //looking for other breeds and this breed was found }else{ $continue = true; } } } }else{ $continue = true; } if( $continue ){ $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"dog\"><div class=\"name\"><a name=\"" . $dog->id . "\">". $dog->name . "</a></div>"; $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"images\">"; if(count($dog->media->photos) > 0){ foreach( $dog->media->photos->photo as $photo ){ //$output_buffer .= $photo["size"]; if( $photo['size'] == $petf_options["large_image"] ){ if( $firsttime ){ $output_buffer .= "<img class=\"petfinder-big-img\" id=\"img_". $dog->id . "\" src=\"" . $photo . "\">"; } $bigfile = $photo; } if( $photo['size'] == $petf_options["thumbnail"] ){ if( $firsttime ){ $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"petfinder-thumbnails\">"; $firsttime = false; } $output_buffer .= "<img class=\"petfinder-thumbmail\" onclick=\"switchbigimg('img_" . $dog->id . "', '" . $bigfile . "');return false;\" src=\"" . $photo . "\"></a>"; } } } if( !$firsttime ){ //not first time so there are thumbnails to wrap up in a div. Closing petfinder-thumbnails $output_buffer .= "</div>"; } if($include_info == "yes"){ $output_buffer .= "<ul class=\"pet-options\">"; $firsttime = true; foreach( $dog->breeds->breed as $this_breed ){ if($firsttime){ $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"breeds\">"; $firsttime = false; }else{ $output_buffer .= ", "; } $output_buffer .= $this_breed; } if(!$firsttime){ $output_buffer .= "</li>"; } $icons = ""; foreach( $dog->options->option as $option ){ switch($option){ case "noCats": $icons .= "<img src=\"\" width=\"36\" height=\"21\" alt=\"Prefers home without cats\" title=\"Prefers home without cats\" />"; break; case "noDogs": $icons .= "<img src=\"\" width=\"41\" height=\"21\" alt=\"Prefers home without dogs\" title=\"Prefers home without dogs\" />"; break; case "noKids": $icons .= "<img src=\"\" width=\"34\" height=\"21\" alt=\"Prefers home without small kids\" title=\"Prefers home without small kids\" />"; break; case "specialNeeds": $icons .= "<img src=\"\" width=\"18\" height=\"20\" alt=\"Special Needs\" title=\"Special Needs\" />"; case "altered": $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"altered\">Spayed/Neutered</li>"; break; case "hasShots": $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"hasShots\">Up-to-date with routine shots</li>"; break; case "housebroken": $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"housebroken\">Housebroken</li>"; break; } } if($icons != ""){ $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"icon-options\">" . $icons . "</li>"; } $output_buffer .= "</ul>"; } $output_buffer .= "</div>"; //close images switch ($dog->size){ case "L": $size = "Large"; break; case "M": $size = "Medium"; break; case "S": $size = "Small"; break; default: $size = "Not known"; break; } $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"description\">" . $dog->description . "</div><div class=\"features\">" . $dog->age . ", " . (($dog->sex == "M") ? "Male" : "Female") . ", " . $size . "</div></div>"; $output_buffer .= "<div style=\"clear: both; \"></div>"; } } //animal does not match } if($petf_options['powered_by'] == "Yes"){ $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"powered_by\">Powered by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></div>"; } $output_buffer .= "</div>"; }else{ $output_buffer .= "No dogs are listed for this shelter at this time. Please check back soon."; } }else{ $output_buffer = "Petfinder is down for the moment. Please check back shortly."; } return $output_buffer; } function petf_pet_get( $atts ) { global $petf_options; extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'pet_id' => '' ), $atts ) ); //get the xml $xml = simplexml_load_file( "" . $petf_options["apikey"] . "&id=" . $pet_id ); echo $xml; if( $xml->header->status->code == "100"){ $output_buffer = ""; if( count( $xml->pet ) > 0 ){ $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"" . $css_class . "\">"; foreach( $xml->pet as $dog ){ $firsttime = true; $bigfile = ""; //print_r($dog); $continue = false; if(($animal == "" || strtolower($dog->animal) == strtolower($animal)) && ($contact == "" || strtolower($dog->contact->name) == strtolower($contact))){ if( $breed != "" ){ foreach( $dog->breeds->breed as $this_breed ){ if( strpos( $breed, "!" ) === false ){ if( strtolower($breed) == strtolower($this_breed) && ($dog->mix == "no" || ($dog->mix == "yes" && $include_mixes == "yes"))){ $continue = true; break; //looking for specific breed and it was found } }else{ if( strtolower(str_replace( "!", "", $breed )) == strtolower($this_breed) && $dog->mix == "no" ){ break; //looking for other breeds and this breed was found }else{ $continue = true; } } } }else{ $continue = true; } if( $continue ){ $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"dog\"><div class=\"name\"><a name=\"" . $dog->id . "\">". $dog->name . "</a></div>"; $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"images\">"; if(count($dog->media->photos) > 0){ foreach( $dog->media->photos->photo as $photo ){ //$output_buffer .= $photo["size"]; if( $photo['size'] == $petf_options["large_image"] ){ if( $firsttime ){ $output_buffer .= "<img class=\"petfinder-big-img\" id=\"img_". $dog->id . "\" src=\"" . $photo . "\">"; } $bigfile = $photo; } if( $photo['size'] == $petf_options["thumbnail"] ){ if( $firsttime ){ $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"petfinder-thumbnails\">"; $firsttime = false; } $output_buffer .= "<img class=\"petfinder-thumbmail\" onclick=\"switchbigimg('img_" . $dog->id . "', '" . $bigfile . "');return false;\" src=\"" . $photo . "\"></a>"; } } } if( !$firsttime ){ //not first time so there are thumbnails to wrap up in a div. Closing petfinder-thumbnails $output_buffer .= "</div>"; } if($include_info == "yes"){ $output_buffer .= "<ul class=\"pet-options\">"; $firsttime = true; foreach( $dog->breeds->breed as $this_breed ){ if($firsttime){ $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"breeds\">"; $firsttime = false; }else{ $output_buffer .= ", "; } $output_buffer .= $this_breed; } if(!$firsttime){ $output_buffer .= "</li>"; } $icons = ""; foreach( $dog->options->option as $option ){ switch($option){ case "noCats": $icons .= "<img src=\"\" width=\"36\" height=\"21\" alt=\"Prefers home without cats\" title=\"Prefers home without cats\" />"; break; case "noDogs": $icons .= "<img src=\"\" width=\"41\" height=\"21\" alt=\"Prefers home without dogs\" title=\"Prefers home without dogs\" />"; break; case "noKids": $icons .= "<img src=\"\" width=\"34\" height=\"21\" alt=\"Prefers home without small kids\" title=\"Prefers home without small kids\" />"; break; case "specialNeeds": $icons .= "<img src=\"\" width=\"18\" height=\"20\" alt=\"Special Needs\" title=\"Special Needs\" />"; case "altered": $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"altered\">Spayed/Neutered</li>"; break; case "hasShots": $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"hasShots\">Up-to-date with routine shots</li>"; break; case "housebroken": $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"housebroken\">Housebroken</li>"; break; } } if($icons != ""){ $output_buffer .= "<li class=\"icon-options\">" . $icons . "</li>"; } $output_buffer .= "</ul>"; } $output_buffer .= "</div>"; //close images switch ($dog->size){ case "L": $size = "Large"; break; case "M": $size = "Medium"; break; case "S": $size = "Small"; break; default: $size = "Not known"; break; } $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"description\">" . $dog->description . "</div><div class=\"features\">" . $dog->age . ", " . (($dog->sex == "M") ? "Male" : "Female") . ", " . $size . "</div></div>"; $output_buffer .= "<div style=\"clear: both; \"></div>"; } } //animal does not match } if($petf_options['powered_by'] == "Yes"){ $output_buffer .= "<div class=\"powered_by\">Powered by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></div>"; } $output_buffer .= "</div>"; }else{ $output_buffer .= "No dogs are listed for this shelter at this time. Please check back soon."; } }else{ $output_buffer = "Petfinder is down for the moment. Please check back shortly."; } return $output_buffer; } ?>
I’m pretty sure all of your original error handling, etc. works.
Thank you for the start Jackie. I removed some stuff only needed when looking for all pets and added some php checks on the ID. I updated the version so you should have a petfinder plugin update waiting with the new shortcode added to list single pets.
It’s easy being a copy-paste coder. lol. You did all the hard work. Thanks again.
Uh oh. I don’t see the new single pet option.
Nevermind. Just realized the shortcode was get_pet. Thanks.
Sorry Jackie – I forgot to mention I changed the name of the method. I’m glad you figured it out quickly!
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