Personal data deleted but whole profile data exists
My problem is regarding the standard GDPR functionality “Erease personal data” and Learnpress user.
It seems that the personal data is not deleted and the account stays in place, which is a huge GDPR compliancy problem.
I wish to delete the following user:The user is even assigned to a course:
I go to WP dashboard/Tools/Erease data and request the deletion. I get the confirmation message that it was ereased successfully:
However, this is false and the whole account is still in the system and the user is still able to access the course in which it was previously enrolled:
It seems that nothing gets deleted with the standard GDPR compliant erease function. I would appreciate if you could help me with fixing the issue.
In some other cases, I receive the following error message: “personal data was found for this user but was not erased”. I could not figure out why do I get this error message or why do I get the false successful message…
I am currently developing the website on localhost thus I cannot add a link.
Version user is deleted from the WordPress/Users menu, then all issues are resolved, but I believe the GDPR data erease should be working.
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