• We’re having some permissions errors on our site — after changing PF settings to allow Subscribers to see All Content, now no one (including Admins) can access any of the content. It doesn’t even appear on the sidebar. Clicking on Subscribed Feeds gives a permission error for admins too. The only thing we can access is “Add feeds”

    Have we broken something? We use the User Role Editor plugin and had that option set in PF. Started changing permissions because Subscribers (our Editors-at-Large) reported they were not seeing any PressForward content, though we hadn’t changed anything before then. Any ideas?


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  • Can you send me (either posted here or by email to [email protected]) your user control settings on PF and your User Role Editor settings? I haven’t been able to re-create the admin permissions problem.

    Your initial issue, that subscribers could not access All Content, can occur if the permissions level of the first User Control option in PressForward – PressForward Member Group – is set to a higher permissions level than the All Content option below it.

    Thread Starter rshirazi


    Thanks. Part of our problem is that “preferences” are no longer visible on our sidebar menu for admins. So I can’t say what the PF settings are now, but when we first noticed an issue with subscribers all of the PF user control settings were set to Administrator. We tried changing whatever seemed relevant to Subscriber and that’s when everything broke for admins.

    In User Role Editor, Subscribers have access to edit_pf_feed_items and read_private_pf_feed_items.

    I’ll email screenshots, in case that helps.

    Plugin Author Aram Zucker-Scharff


    Hi Rshirazi,

    That is very odd, some screenshots would indeed help. So you’re saying you no longer have access to the Preferences page as a top-level admin for the site? And did you have the Advanced User Control setting “Use advanced user role management?” in PF’s preferences enabled before?

    – Aram

    Thread Starter rshirazi


    Hi Aram,

    Right, I’m a WordPress Admin for the site and cannot access the Preferences page. I can delete the plugin and reinstall but it remains the same.

    Yes, the Advanced User Control setting was enabled before. Our site was on hiatus for a couple of weeks and when we returned the Subscribers reported that they could not view PF at all in the dashboard. Tried changing some settings and all of the Preferences disappeared! FWIW, there were some server connectivity issues happening while I was changing the settings.


    Plugin Author Aram Zucker-Scharff



    After some considering I’m not sure what could have caused the problem. The best course of action is to remove the existing PF options and re-set them once they’ve been cleared.

    You can access MySQL via PHPMyAdmin or the Commandline and use these queries (correct for the name of your wp_options table where needed.

    SELECT * FROM 'wp_options' WHERE 'option_name' LIKE '%pf_%';

    To double check that you’re getting the right options to delete. If you’re only getting PressForward options prefixed with pf_ then you can run the following command to remove them. Next time you log in, the PressForward options will all be reset to default.

    DELETE FROM 'wp_options' WHERE 'option_name' LIKE '%pf_%';

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