Hey @paramedic192,
Thanks for writing in with your question, I’d be happy to take a closer look. When trying to connect your store to your business, it will ask you to login to your Facebook profile that has admin access. It sounds like you are doing this already, so that’s great.
The next step would be to choose the business that is the owner of the page, and then select the page that the plugin should be connected to. It’s not clerar to me if the error in your screenshot is from the business selection or the page selection. Could you clarify that for me?
If it is the page asset, the next step would be to double-check who the current owner of the page is, and to double-check the other asset permissions within business manager.
Before we dig into that, could you please send over a full screenshot of the asset selection page, or confirm for me which part of the connection process was showing that error?