• Plugin Author marcelotorres


    hello everybody,
    because of much posts, I checked about the permission for non admin users and I will need make a change in file /classes/options.php in line 59, where is now add_theme_page will have to change to add_menu_page that way no longer appears as submenu “appearance” but as an individual item on the menu.

    That done, we can use:

    $role_object = get_role( 'editor' );
    $role_object->add_cap( 'manage_options' );

    Do you think it harms those who already configured otherwise using the plugin for users non admin?

    Thank’s ??


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  • At some points could disrupt yes, but you can not create a checkbox to release the display to not admins? So, let the default for only the admins and who are upgrading will have no problems. If desired, one can change the setting.


    Em alguns pontos poderia atrapalhar sim, mas n?o dá para criar um checkbox para liberar a visualiza??o para n?o admins? Assim, deixa o padr?o para somente os admins e quem for atualizar n?o terá problemas. Caso queira, a pessoa pode mudar a configura??o.

    Now you can use this change now then? Will break into other updates?


    Já dá para usar essa modifica??o que passou ent?o? Vai quebrar em outras atualiza??es?

    Plugin Author marcelotorres


    Marco, I can do so, the only problem I think is that I can not define the $role_object->add_cap( 'manage_options' ); in the plugin because it may affect other plugins, I think it would only make it a condition to the checkbox is checked include the add_menu_page and allow access to user with the “cap” manage_option. I’ll think of a better solution that programmatically speaking.


    Marco, posso fazer assim, o unico problema que eu penso é que n?o posso definir o $role_object->add_cap( 'manage_options' ); no plugin porque isso pode afetar outros plugins, acho que seria mesmo só fazer uma condi??o para se o checkbox estiver checado inclua a fun??o add_menu_page e permita o acesso para usuário com o “cap” manage_option. Vou pesnsar em uma solu??o melhor que isso programaticamente falando.

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