• Greetings,
    I’m a new user and I can’t seem to find this…..

    How do I add text to the home page that will permanently remain above the posts ?


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  • If this is text that won’t change that often (e.g., weeks, months, or longer), then the simplest solution would be to hard code your message into your theme.

    Though, this plugin might have the functionality you’re looking for: Awsom News Announcement.

    Is there any other solution or any other plugin nowadays?


    Sticky post?

    That’s only for homepage or for every pages? I just want to add some text to my homepage.


    I don’t use it, so am not sure, but I think it’s only for homepage. You could test it and see…right? If you are using 2.7, just create a post and under visibility click ‘stick this post to the font page’ and then test it.

    Hmm it works, but not as I wish. The thing’s that my post’s width it’s different to this home-section width…so it ain’t what I’m looking for. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.

    Any other idea?



    I’ve found this solution:

    <?php if (is_home()) { ?>
    <?php } ?>

    or to style it like your post

    <?php if (is_home()) { ?>
    <div class=post>
    <?php } ?>

    Just paste this code into index.html or home.php before posts.

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