• I do many wordpress migrations form one server to another in my line of work at https://ezsitemove.com and I was wondering why migrating a wordpress installation to another server breaks the permalinks? Clicking on the normal wordpress pages after a migration will produce a 404 error.

    It’s a pretty simple fix, login to the admin section, navigate to your permalink structure and hit “save”. You don’t even have to change them. Simply saving them fixes the error.

    However, I can’t help to think that this is a bug. Even if it’s not a “bug” per se, it would still be really nice to have it fixed.

    I await some feedback on the matter.


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  • PixelPie


    I have installed WP Super cache and when I select use mod_rewrite to cache files I get this error:

    Mod rewrite may not be installed!

    It appears that mod_rewrite is not installed. Sometimes this check isn’t 100% reliable, especially if you are not using Apache. Please verify that the mod_rewrite module is loaded. It is required for serving Super Cache static files. You will still be able to use legacy or PHP modes.

    Could not having the mod_rewrite installed have something to do with the issue im having with custom permalinks??????

    How do i install Mod Rewrite?

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