• dyslexic boob with coding deficiencies need to understand permalinks.
    I want to get rid of ‘example.org/uncatagorized/’ from my urls to blogs –https://innis-notes.com/http:/example.org/topics/uncategorized/biz/ but each time I read the same page on permalinks it tells me the same information. So either I’m to dumb to get it, or I’m too dumb to get it from that page.
    I picked common settings ‘day and name’ so it should not have ‘example.org in my link. what am I missing?

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  • generally when sites use https://example.org/ as part of their tutorial they mean to say remove the https://example.org/ part..

    i would also change how you have your categories set up so that biz is not a child category of uncategorised.. create biz as its own category..

    id suggest placing the following code in your custom permalinks box..


    then your links should end up looking like

    Thread Starter saibhreas


    your way ahead of me. this is all extremely new
    I don’t know how https://example.org … got in there in the first place. I set the permalinks to https://innis-notes.com/2011/03/31/sample-post/ day an name.
    biz is the slug for my business page. so really what I would like it to be is
    https://innis-notes2011/03/31/post name/biz
    Where do I go in the code to change this? do I need to lad a plugin to get me there or can I get to it in the editor?

    adding the page slug to the end of the post isnt the best way to reference an individual post… urls act like a tree.. whereby the larger things start at the root and get more specific/smaller as they go down.. so

    innis-notes.com = root
    2011 = more specific
    03 = more specific
    31 = more specific
    post name = VERY SPECIFIC
    page slug = less specific

    what i would suggest is something more like innis-notes.com/biz/2011/03/31/post-name

    (this is if you really want the date in there)

    to do this again i would create a category called biz (the same as your page slug) and then categorise posts with it.. then get your business page to only pull in posts with the biz category..

    you never want to be heading back in the other direction.. and ideally pages should have memorable names.. rather than all the post date data..

    what i was talking about can be found under settings -> permalinks..

    just make sure that the settings there are all ok..

    Thread Starter saibhreas


    i’m too farr back here.
    I have a page created called business. but I know that is a static empty page.
    in my menu of rhte blog site I have what I think is a page label business. however when I look at the link is says
    instead of //innis-notes.com/business.
    so maybe my problem is not with the permalink but with how the post move to the pages
    what am i missing

    your menu items are just linking to the categories themselves…not the static pages

    in the right hand side column i can see your list of categories..(zig and zag and business)

    what you need to look at is the ‘Category base’ section under your Settings->Permalink section in the dashboard..
    currently it is
    please replace this with just

    Thread Starter saibhreas


    Haxxxton I appraciate you time and effort. I have to find a good reference book for wordpress and php to learn this stuff. i don’t want to waste your time. so thank you for all of your help. I now my problem is really just getting to learn this stuff. it is jsut very difficult for me to read online, I am dyslexic and the screen doesn’t help my deciphering skills.

    I can surmise my problem is with categories, not with permalinks. all of my catagories or menu links say …example.org… in them ad I have yet to find a way to stop that. I am using the dashboard category editor to create them so I don’t know where this is coming from.

    Again, thanks for your time I will need to scratch through this some more before I can get this blog up and running.

    i will happily log in and fix this for you if you like, but i wont be able to without an admin account…

    i have just created an account on your site.. if you click on the Users section of the dashboard, select my user and then change me from subscriber to admin i will be able to help you

    i understand things can be difficult to read online

    let me see if i can help out like this.. after im done feel free to remove my account ??

    Thread Starter saibhreas


    i followed your %category%/ mod and now I have …/biz/biz or …/education/education and …/zigandzag/zigandzag do i get rid of the last %?

    try leaving the field completely blank in category base.. this should make it do what you want…

    if it works.. could you

    a) remove my user
    b) mark this post as resolved in the right hand column —–>>>>>

    ?? glad we’re getting this sorted for you mate


    Thread Starter saibhreas


    you are now admin

    dude there is something seriously wrong with your blog..

    pages arent linking correctly but are being displayed.. clicking links from within the dashboard from the page edit section link to 404 errors.. but the same page can be searched for and found.. but then its own permalink isnt working..

    in all honesty.. i would suggest reinstalling the 2010 theme.. i dont have access to your ftp details (and arent going to ask for them) to update these myself.. it wont effect your settings or posts.. but i think its something in one of the template files that is wrecking it..

    it might even be something in the WP core files.. but hopefully not :S

    once pages are working.. i can get categories to do what you want.. but at the minute.. your about page is 404’ing even though it IS there! and even new pages are doing it.. the only way i managed to get it to work temporarily was to change the permalinking back to default (ie https://innis-notes.com/?page_id=13 )

    sorry about the bad news.. but at least now you know that it wasnt anything you were doing that was messing this up…

    Thread Starter saibhreas


    got it thanks! thank you very much
    I will remove your admin
    and again a thousand thanks

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