• Hi,

    I’ve installed WordPress 2.0 from the scratch on my server (https://www.cyon.org.uk/). It seems to be working everything fine except the permalinks.

    I’ve gone through lots of things based on this list, but unfortunately it did not work for me.

    Here is my situation.

    1. I’m using WordPress 2.0 with PHP5 and Apache2. (I know I have mod_rewrite module in my PHP installation.)

    2. I have the .htaccess file with 644 permission setting, and it reads as follows.

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php

    # END WordPress

    3. I can make and get an access the permalinks something like “https://www.cyon.org.uk/index.php/archives/52&#8221;.

    My question is that how do I remove ‘index.php’ in my permalinks? I tried to set the permalink at the ‘Site Admin’ page by typing “/archives/%post_id%” in custom field, but it never worked.

    It would be appreciated if someone could direct me to the right path.


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  • View source on the page… dev_dump’s output appears inside a comment.

    I have the same problem. Seems to be in classes.php

    Problem solved!

    What I discovered is that when I change the permalink structure the old rewrite rules are still cached in the database and don’t get updated.

    There is a record in the wp_options table with an index field called “option_name”. I found the record with the option_name of “rewrite_rules” and set the option_value blank. That forced it to generate the new values and it started working immediately.

    Thread Starter soohyunc


    hi, jjacobsen,

    could you explain in more detail about your solution?


    I contacted my hosting provider and they solved the problem for me. My WP was installd in a subdomain. Here is an excerpt of the conversation that i had with the CSR. Hope this helps.

    Dave: In order for .htaccess files to be parsed in the subdomain, AllowOverride <option> has to be set in your apache configuration for that directory:
    Dave: <VirtualHost *>
    Dave: ServerName subdomain.example.com
    Dave: ServerAlias https://www.subdomain.example.com
    Dave: DocumentRoot /var/www/subdomain.example.com
    Dave: <Directory “/var/www/subdomain.example.com”>
    Dave: Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes ExecCGI
    Dave: AllowOverride All
    Dave: AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .py .sh
    Dave: </Directory>
    Dave: . I have added it for you and restarted apache.

    My real domain isn’t example.com btw, it’s just a sample. Hope this helps.


    I’m having a similar problem as many others (permalinks not working correctly with 2.0), but I can’t duplicate the 404 error on all of the blogs I run.

    I’ve got three different blog sites (all on the same server) that I upgraded. All had permalinks prior to the upgrade and worked fine. Now, one of the works perfectly on 2.0 WITH custom permalinks. The other two do not.

    I can get custom pm’s to work using just /%postname%/ but not in any other form.

    One bizarre little sidenote is that one of the blos also works with a custom category base, but the other does not.

    I’ve uploaded the two file patches Ryan posted in another thread and it hasn’t made a difference. I also tried editing the wp_options table database as ‘jjacobsen’ mentioned above, but that didn’t help either. So now I have three blogs all using three different permalink setups. heh

    I’ve implemented custom permalinks on my Yahoo hosted blog, without using mod_rewrite or .htaccess, which Yahoo does not support.

    I created a physical folder strucure for archives and categories, plus name-of-post.php style permalinks, which automatically perform redirects back to the blog root index.php file by way of a new, generic redirect.php file.

    Details here:

    Warning: this site may not load properly in Firefox < 1.5. You can use a different browser, or try the rss feed:

    Also, I just discovered I also need to handle category RSS feed URLs, and individual post comment feeds as well. So, I’ll be updating that post when I’ve got that done.

    I’ve added support for feeds and trackbacks. As a consequence, I changed my post URLs from /name-of-post.php to /name-of-post/, so the above link to the post is obsolete. The new link is


    I will detail the changes in a new blog post on my site tomorrow, but in essence I had to create /feed/ subdirectories under each category, plus /feed/ and /trackback/ folders under the new post folders, and I added a couple of sections of code to redirect.php.

    This solution is not all that elegant, I end up with a bunch folders and sub folders for every post. At least, they are all copies of each other, except for the folder name, so creating new ones is not a big deal. And, I have custom permalinks without mod_rewrite. Yay…

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