• No one has replied to my previous post about this. I’m wondering if the problem is completely weird/unique. Even if that’s true, I need some ideas on how to go about solving it.

    Permalinks are working on some pages and not others. It’s not the htaccess file (which is identical to the one recommended under Permalinks page). It’s not my theme. The problem also occurs using twentyten.

    The problem behavior is: for some pages, clicking on a link with the permalink (eg, https://mydomain.com/pretty-permalink) takes you to the page. For other pages, it takes you to Error-404-page-not-found.

    Can anyone suggest ways of diagnosing and fixing this problem?

    Thanks (desperate webmaster here).

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  • @temp4845 68, 86 Just numbers! No worries.

    DNS: Domain Name Servers. The system the Internet uses to allow for domain names (your-site.com) to be used instead of making people remember IP numbers to get to your site (

    When you say “…installed on the same site.” Do you mean on the same hosting account? Because if so and the “temp” site is just in a folder on the main sites directory, then you are going to have problems trying to get visitors to see the temp.your-site.com pages.

    If you mean something else, do share!

    Wow, I have a lot to learn. I use Go-Daddy and I thought I would have to install WP on each site. For instance one is ftworthenergy.com another is lowercostelectricityprovider.com and the third one is temp because go daddy thought I should have a temp untill I finish building it. Therefore I called go daddy support and asked them to activate (up-load) WP on ftworthenergy.com but I am already using it with WP and Catalyst is my template.

    I just noticed another thing, the page that comes up as it should IE. the one I am working on is temp.lowercostelectricityprovider.com/sample-page/

    @temp4845 Looks like the temp home page is coming up as well. Does this mean your call to GoDaddy did the trick? Hopefully so!

    @snowyn Hey, have you tried creating new pages on your site recently? Wondering if any of them (all of them?) will 404 or work correctly.

    If not, try doing a test one and inserting it into your navigation menus (however you’re doing that with this theme.)

    Also, I’ve been researching more and came across something likely unrelated dealing with Custom Post Types. But thinking it might be worth the effort to test.

    Try changing you permalink structure to removing the category section of the link. Realizing this likely has little to do with the pages, but it has me curious now.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    @snowyn – Have you turned off all your plugins? This could be an issue with them

    @temp4845 – Since yours isn’t a 3.5 problem, if you need more help go ahead and make your own post so we can help you better ??

    Well I will be darned, I did turn on the plugins about 1/2 hour ago. I tried it after that with no change I may have forgotten to refresh. You guys are awesome to do this on your own time. I can’t thank you enough.

    @snowyn What Mika said :/

    Thought I’d already asked that. Upon review I realize it was another thread. Bad Jimbo ??


    Thread Starter Crystal Snowyn


    @ipstenu @jameskirk, yes, I tried turning off all plugins. Didn’t have that many in the first place. And no, that didn’t work.

    However, I Got It Fixed = YAY YAY YAY.

    Talked to GoDaddy about these are generating server 404’s and me = Not Happy Camper. Anyway, the HelpDeskPerson tried creating a new page, and yes it showed up. So … I tried making a new Services page (meanwhile deleting the old one so I could have continue a permalink of “services”). So, while making a new page with different permalink was fine, trying to use the old broken permalink was not fine.

    So, what I did: edit the three broken permalinks (about, services, and contact into about-client-name, services-page, and contact-us) and voila, everything now worked just fine. Of course, I then had to go change any link on the site that used the old permalink url to the new permalink url. But now all is hunkey dorey, and it only took me about an hour to do it all.

    As to why those three permalinks broke in the first place and stayed broken? I have no idea.

    Thank you James and Mika!!

    Good for you Snowyn!

    One thing I’d suggest now that you are “good” is to make sure you create redirects for the search engines. Do you have a Google Webmaster Tools account? If those former 404 pages were listed in the Google search index, they are going to show as broken. You’ll want to get in there and make sure you show Google that you have “fixed” the problem.

    And you’ll likely want to use a plugin like Redirection to point the old pages to their new, working counterparts. Or not, if those 404s don’t show up in GWT!


    Thread Starter Crystal Snowyn


    @jameskirk, Thanks for the suggestion of Redirection. That looked like a good one to use, though I had not implemented it yet. I do have a Google Webmaster Tools account, though not on/with this site. I suppose I could add it in. Thanks again!

    Thread Starter Crystal Snowyn


    @james, BTW, do I need to redirect all the urls that had /services/something to /services-page/something? I’m guessing that would not hurt… and might be necessary.

    Thread Starter Crystal Snowyn


    Unfortunately, the redirects are not happening. I still get the 404s on those pages. Oh well.

    The redirection plugin can be a little tricky to get just right. This is how you’d set up the redirect for the former About page:

    Source URL: /about/
    Target URL: https://phoenixhealingarts.net/about-mimi-rhys
    HTTP Code: 301

    Try that and see if they work for you.

    Thread Starter Crystal Snowyn


    Hi again James,
    Yup, that is exactly what I did. (Well, source was /about with no slash on the end, since that was how I had them in the first place.) Apparently, whatever was causing the 404s in the first place is also interfering with the action of this plugin. [Sound of hair tearing here.]

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