Permalink Problem
I am having trouble setting up permalinks.
I have seen threads on this forum where people have had 404s when trying to open up a permalink page but my problem is a little different.
When I click the permalink, I get a page correctly set out, displaying the date and title, etc of the post just fine, and the comment box underneath, but, rather crucially, the content of the actual post doesn’t show up in between!!
I know this is probably something really basic but I’ve been tearing my hair out. I’ve tried so many different steps to rectify the problem that I can’t even remember them all.
Anyone have any idea as to where I’m going wrong?
I’m using the structure
although I’ve tried others, adjusting the .htaccess file accordingly, and the same thing happens each time.
(I’ve just started a new term at university so I’ve been busy and haven’t been in here for a while)
I tried options symlinks and that doesn’t work either.
Any mods/developers have any idea what’s going on?Ok, one last try.
Here is my index.php template. I wonder if this will help anyone suss out what the problem is?
/* Don't remove these lines. */
$blog = 1;
// Uncomment the next line if you want to track blog updates from
// include_once(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/links-update-xml.php');?>
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<option selected>2003</option>
<option value="https://www.blah">december
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</select><li class=menu>Bits From The Archive
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<?php wp_get_links(13)?>
</BODY></HTML>You should probably upload that as a phps file and link to it. Anyways, I don’t see anything wrong but I am not really a php expert
Yes, I ought to have uploaded that as a phps file really!!! Ooops!
I’ve noticed that permalinks do work when you click on the category…, if you click on ‘general’, it gives you all the posts under the ‘general’ category (in their entirety).
The problem is that it just doesn’t give you the posts individually, when you click on the post title. All you get is a blank post….
Really odd.OK, color me confused….. I just tried both of those links wenchy, and the worked! The Test post came up all by itself, just like I would expect.
TGsame here wenchy, both worked for me
Really?? With all the text showing in the right places???
Weird. It still doesn’t work for me!I asked some other people to take a look at the site and it didn’t work for them either – they saw no text in the body of the post when they called up the permalink.
I was just playing around with the permalink structure. I tried to use:
which supposedly ignores mod_rewrite rules.
Now I get the permalink displaying fine, with all the text where it should be:
but I don’t get the comment box or the comments when I click comment!
Argh!Hrm that’s kind of strange. Your using index.php/archives/…. but your comments rss and entries in rss show up like proper permalinks. Are you sure you don’t just want to switch to complete permalinks
I’ve now switched to proper permalinks, and that gives me a 404.
*Bangs head against wall**talking to myself* …. Aaaah….CHMOD 666. Might that make a difference, I wonder?? ??
….or perhaps it’s because there is an empty .htaccess file here
which I cannot delete.
(I delete it and it just reappears).Seen from here everything works fine, including the comment box, comments – when I click on the permalink (a.k.a. post title). Clicking on catgeory name in the menu works, too.
So what’s the problem?The problem is that I (and several other people, apparently) can’t see the post content when they call up permalinks.
ie, when I, and they, click:
or any of the other ones
the page comes up, with the post date, title, comments, etc, but missing the actual content of the post.
ie, in this case, the bit which says:
“Needless to say, this isna€?t actually complete yet. I am just trying to resolve a few bugs with permalinks. I think therea€?s a bug, but people on the WordPress support forum tell me that everything is working fine. Ia€?m confused.
But then, Ia€?m fairly often confused about a multitude of things, so I may as well start as I mean to go on, eh?”
doesn’t appear in the permalinked page. It just looks as though there’s a blank post there.
Hope that makes sense!You mentioned that you may have an empty .htaccess file, that is possible. Now, you said that you copied the code which the permalink options gave you into your .htaccess file. Let’s try posting that code again, or at least see what’s in the .htaccess file, by logging in and then going to the “Templates” menu. In the lower half of that page, you should see “.htaccess (for rewrite rules)” under the “Common files: (click to edit)” section, click on it. Now, you will be able to view and edit your .htaccess file. If the code isn’t there, put it there. If there is code there, let us know what it is.
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