• Why is there the words “Permanent Link:” in the link title of the Post Title? I know that sounded confusing, but by default, the title link is like this:

    <h2 id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"><a href="<?php echo get_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanet Link: <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

    The only folks who “see” the “Permanet Link: blah blah” are those who hold their mouse over the link in their browsers, those who have web page text readers (so they hear “Permanet Link: blah blah”), and search engine robots and spiders.

    Is this important to anyone? Do the robots and spiders give extra points for having that word in there? I’m just curious as to its importance and if it can be changed or deleted without trauma.

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  • Good question. I would myself like to remove the redundancy….

    I don’t think it’s important at all. I think the only point in it is so that if a person is trying to find a link to reference for the site, they’ll know that it’s a permanent link that they can use. I’m pretty sure it’s ok to delete the permanant link: part if you want.

    However, I could be wrong and your WP could blow up on you ??

    Thanks, lawtai. S’okay, if it blows up I have a thousand backups incrementally since day one….

    I personally prefer to insert the permalink url in the title attribute. No real reason to, I just like to see it there…

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