• So far since I’ve installed WordPress it’s been absolutely beautiful, and it’s run like a dream of ice-cream and candy. But when I went to change the permalink structure I began having some difficulty with my pages (not my posts, those still load fine). See, when I go to load up a page (example: https://wings.infinite9.net/site/contact-2) it just loads in all of my posts like it would do on the front index page. This only happens when I change the original permalink structure.

    Currently I am using the structure

    I believe my server is running PHP 5, of course a Linux surver. Anyone who can help me figure this out would be a great help!

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  • Copy and paste your .htaccess here?

    I am having the same problem. Here is my .htaccess that’s in the blog folder:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /blog/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /blog/index.php

    # END WordPress

    Under General:Options check your wordpress/blog address?

    And check this out:

    Thread Starter assie-chan


    Yes, my .htaccess file is pretty much exactly the same as hers (except that the directory is named differently). And I checked out the “Using Permalinks”, I try not to ask for help on things I can fix myself. But I can’t find any of the problems listed there as being my problem. I’ve tried most of those fixes (particularily the /index.php/%year%/%postname%/ one), but none of them are solving my problem. Particularily since most of the fixes are for a Windows server, which is not what my site’s hosted on.

    //EDIT// Now when I click the “Comments (4)” link to go and view my comments, I can’t even get to the page where my comments and comment form are.

    assie: I can click on ‘Comments’ and I am brought to a single-post page with comments and form. Sounds obvious, but verify contact-2 exists?

    There are some serious validation issues that I see. Should take care of those…

    EDIT: Looks like you have a static first page (in your root)? Do you use a plugin to manage that? Could there be conflicting .htaccess there?

    Thread Starter assie-chan


    I don’t know what “serious validation issues” you mean, I fairly confident that the code I used for the layout is just honkey-dorey.

    And no, I didn’t use a plug-in for the static page. It’s actually just a plain HTML page that links to the directory where I’ve installed WordPress (/site/). In fact, the default WordPress .htaccess is the only .htaccess file I have installed on that subdomain.

    The reason the comments is working now, is because if you look, I changed the permalinking back to the default, I dislike leaving errors up for too long.

    And contact-2 exists because I got the URL from opening up the page in the page manager.

    Yosemite means these serious validation errors.

    Thread Starter assie-chan


    Uh, that’s just the validator being stupid with my blank space ( ) and my copyright sign (©), it’s nothing serious, it’s perfectly correct to do it that way. If you look through on your own, you’ll see nothing wrong with the template.

    The rest are the default WordPress template’s fault. I don’t know what half those things do, so I’m not going to screw with them and move them around, and as far as I can tell, that’s also fine because it all works in Firefox and IE, which are the two hardest browser to make get along.

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