• I have managed to change my permalinks but after the home page all my other pages have missing images? why would the url of my images have changes? does anyone know how i can fix this.

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  • I am having the same problem. I changed the permalinks to custom /%postname%/ so the name of the blog appears in the url. But now the blogs can’t finds any of my imgaes, including my navi buttons. So, I had to change the permalinks back to the default, which sucks for SEO. I need help…I am not smart enough to figure this out on my own.

    i too fall into this category! my blog: https://savelandthecity.com/ loads fine and looks just like it’s supposed to (i know certain post pics are’nt appearing, that’s not the issue though). My problem is when i click on the “Tags” or “categories” or 2nd 3rd etc. pages the template loads without the images. (categories for example – https://savelandthecity.com/category/real-estate) the header and the image in the right tool bar don’t load??? please help me and the other 2 above with this issue. It all started happeneing when i changed my permalink settings from “default” to /%postname%

    somebody please help tackle this issue!!!

    GOT IT!!! it seems the issue we’re having is with Absolute versus Relative Links. using my FTP i changed my header image to now have a “/”

    before the code linking to the image in the header looked like this:
    <img src=”wp-content/themes/wpthemegen/images/header.png” alt=”SavelAndTheCity.com” width=”855″ height=”150″ border=”0″/> *notice the missing “/” just before “wp-content…”. By making the image Absolute instead of realitive, it now works! The correct way of doing it is:

    <img src=”/wp-content/themes/wpthemegen/images/header.png” alt=”SavelAndTheCity.com” width=”855″ height=”150″ border=”0″/>

    if you’ve included images in your sidebar, then go into the text widgets via the dashboard and add the “/” where needed.

    click here for more info on Absolute versus Relative Links

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