• Pengiriman dari Surabaya ke Bandung paket JNE-REG harusnya 1-2 hari, dan beberapa tempat 1-3 hari. Tapi di halaman checkout hanya muncul sebagai 1 hari.

    Kita tanya ke support at rajaongkir.com, dan mereka merespon bahwa respon API nya tidak ada masalah.

    {"rajaongkir":{"query":{"origin":"444","originType":"city","destination":"22","destinationType":"city","weight":1000,"courier":"jne"},"status":{"code":200,"description":"OK"},"origin_details":{"city_id":"444","province_id":"11","province":"Jawa Timur","type":"Kota","city_name":"Surabaya","postal_code":"60119"},"destination_details":{"city_id":"22","province_id":"9","province":"Jawa Barat","type":"Kabupaten","city_name":"Bandung","postal_code":"40311"},"results":[{"code":"jne","name":"Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE)","costs":[{"service":"OKE","description":"Ongkos Kirim Ekonomis","cost":[{"value":17000,"etd":"2-3","note":""}]},{"service":"REG","description":"Layanan Reguler","cost":[{"value":20000,"etd":"1-2","note":""}]}]}]}}

    Apakah ini bug dari sisi Woongkir?

    Screenshot: https://imgur.com/Th5yxbp

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Christhofer Natalius.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Yui. Reason: please use CODE button for code formatting
Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Author Sofyan Sitorus


    Halo Ruphine,

    Isu seperti ini hanya bisa di-anlaisa dengan melihat debug info. Silakan cantumkan debug info dari Woongkir untuk follow-up lebih lanjut. Cek link berikut untuk info meng-aktifkan debug info:



    Thread Starter Christhofer Natalius


    @sofyansitorus Oke sudah saya enable debug mode nya
    Lalu, ambil debug infonya dimana?

    Plugin Author Sofyan Sitorus


    Kalau mas Ruphine baca dengan benar di halaman FAQ, seharusnya pertanyaan seprti ini tidak muncul. Tapi baiklah akan saya copy dan paste di sini untuk dibaca ulang.

    I have no clue what is happening on your server during the WooCommerce doing the shipping calculation, and there are too many possibilities to guess that can cause the shipping method not available. To find out the causes and the solutions, please switch to “ON” for the WooCommerce Shipping Debug Mode setting. Then open your cart/checkout page. You will see a very informative and self-explanatory debug info printed on the cart/checkout page. Please note that this debug info only visible for users that already logged-in/authenticated as an administrator. You must include this debug info in case you are going to create a support ticket related to this issue.

    Visit the link below for how to switch WooCommerce Shipping Debug Mode:


    Thread Starter Christhofer Natalius


    Ternyata template kita men-hide debug info nya. Saya harus custom dulu template nya supaya muncul.

    Province: Jawa Barat
    Town / City: Kabupaten Bandung Barat
    Street Address : JL Raya Cimareme No. 272
    Subdistrict : Ngamprah
    Zip Code : 40552

    Debug info:

    woongkir : {"api_request_params.$origin_info":{"origin":"6142","originType":"subdistrict"}}
    woongkir : {"api_request_params.$destination_info":{"destination":"378","destinationType":"subdistrict"}}
    woongkir : {"api_request_params.$dimension_weight":{"width":0,"length":0,"height":0,"weight":132}}
    woongkir : {"api_request_params.$courier":["jne"]}
    woongkir : {"calculate_shipping.$cache_key":"woongkir_4_0e7c6a855dd3ade1221872e4f56a6573_aef0759ce08bb7e158b36710a3f2ef93"}
    woongkir : {"calculate_shipping.$results":{"parsed":[{"courier":"jne","service":"OKE","etd":"3-5 days","cost":17000,"currency":"IDR"},{"courier":"jne","service":"REG","etd":"1 day","cost":20000,"currency":"IDR"}],"raw":[{"query":{"origin":"6142","originType":"subdistrict","destination":"378","destinationType":"subdistrict","weight":132,"courier":"jne","length":0,"width":0,"height":0},"status":{"code":200,"description":"OK"},"origin_details":{"subdistrict_id":"6142","province_id":"11","province":"Jawa Timur","city_id":"444","city":"Surabaya","type":"Kota","subdistrict_name":"Kenjeran"},"destination_details":{"subdistrict_id":"378","province_id":"9","province":"Jawa Barat","city_id":"24","city":"Bandung Barat","type":"Kabupaten","subdistrict_name":"Ngamprah"},"results":[{"code":"jne","name":"Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE)","costs":[{"service":"OKE","description":"Ongkos Kirim Ekonomis","cost":[{"value":17000,"etd":"3-5","note":""}]},{"service":"REG","description":"Layanan Reguler","cost":[{"value":20000,"etd":"1-3","note":""}]}]}]}]}}
    woongkir : {"calculate_shipping.$allowed_services":{"jne":["OKE","REG"]}}
    Plugin Author Sofyan Sitorus


    Tentu saja berbeda, karena request parameter yang anda buat saja berbeda.

    Ini adalah parameter untuk RajaOngkir, kalkulasi ongkir sampai level kota/kabupaten:


    Dan ini adalah parameter yang ada di Woongkir, kalkulasi ongkir sampai level kecamatan:


    Jika ingin mebandingkan, samakan saja requestnya, swicth telebih dahulu ke akun yang starter agar kalkulasi nya di Woongkir sampau level kota/kabupaten juga.

    Atau minta ke support RajaOngkir untuk mencek ongkir dengan parameter ini:

    Plugin Author Sofyan Sitorus


    Setelah saya coba di local server saya, benar 1-3 di strip menjadi 1, Baik akan diperbaiki segera.

    Plugin Author Sofyan Sitorus


    Silakan update ke version 1.2.16 untuk fix nya…

    Thread Starter Christhofer Natalius


    @sofyansitorus Ok, sudah saya cek juga tampilan lama pengirimannya di website kami.

    Thank you response & fix nya.

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