We have now almost 4000 links in the index and for each new index we add, it takes around 13-16 seconds.
This is getting heavy i think.
The calculation of the index is mainly based on the combination of
- Number of posts
- Number of configured keywords
- Server or hosting performance
The creation of 4000 links is already a somewhat larger task and therefore appears more often on larger portals.
Here we recommend already an upgrade to the Pro version, which provides several possibilities for the construction of the index.
What is the difference between automatic for example and manual in terms of load ?
The difference between manual and automatic mode is that you do not trigger the recalculation of the index after every index-relevant change. You get only a notice, that you can rebuild the index now in case of changes.
Once you are done with your work in the backend, you can rebuild the index by click on a button. That means you decide by yourself when you want to spend the 13-16 seconds rebuild time for example (for all changes made since your last index build).
Maybe the whole index adding, should be somehow split in cron batches. I mean every new index should be broken to a few crons. Not sure if this is possible. I’m not a programmer.
This approach would be obvious to optimize the index.
However, we have (mainly for SEO technical reasons) to conclude that the construction of the index must be atomic. If we would enable batch processing here, it could happen that links would disappear (while flushing the index) from the content from time to time, appear again (when they got rebuilt by their batch process) and so on. This is confusing for users and search engines alike and would not benefit our users.
However, we are working on some solutions to optimize the automatic mode in particular. Here we will surely be able to draw some more potential in terms of speed in the future. When a release can be expected here, we can unfortunately not yet estimate.
So i think that around 4000 links (not pages) in the index is the top limit.
Our basic version certainly has its limitations from a certain number of posts and the server hardware which is used by your web host.
For this reason, we have implemented the index modes for the Pro version. Especially the option to build the index via CLI leads to nearly unlimited scalability. The calculation process is no longer executed by the web server, but rather in the background on the underlying operating system (which also means more resources for the calculation).
We (and our Pro customers) maintain many portals beyond the 10.000 Posts mark with the Internal Link Juicer, without any performance losses.