• Resolved cometto


    Im working on website optimization. I know that the plugin generates several files:

    I turned off badges.css completely because I don’t use this option.

    I can’t really exclude the others because I use them on the product page (shortcode for grid).

    I have got some questions
    1. I can see that the plugin loads 2 fonts – roboto-700 and roboto-400. Can they be turned off? (weight of both of them is 100kb, my font theme is 6kb…)
    2. Frontend-css and reviews-grid.css weigh a little. Frontend doesn’t use almost 90% of the code and reviews-grid 70%. What’s the best way to extract interesting code and upload it to the website? I tried to manually add a used css using CUSTOMIZE -> CSS but this feature does not work.

    I will be grateful for ideas

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by cometto.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter cometto


    i finally did thing I wanted – just added custom css file with css I need to my template.

    Code in functions.php:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'register_custom_theme_styles' );
    function register_custom_theme_styles() {
        wp_register_style( 'styles.pure', '/wp-content/themes/flatsome-child/assets/css/styles.pure.css' );
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'styles.pure' );

    How can I move this css from child-theme to plugin?

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by cometto.
    Thread Starter cometto


    is it possible to replace data:application/x-font-woff;base64 ?

    it gives 200 ms to The Critical Request Chains.

    When I disable it rating stars are removed…

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by cometto.
    Neo WhiteRabbit



    Thank you for using CusRev. Let me answer your questions.

    1. It’s not possible to move the CSS file from the child theme to the plugin. You can try to copy all CSS code from those files to your custom CSS file in the child theme. Remove some lines of code that you do not need to use.

    Then dequeue the CSS file in our plugin by using the function wp_dequeue_style() and the handle name cr-badges-css.

    2. The code data:application/x-font-woff;base64 is not located in our plugin source code. It might come from another plugin or the theme.

    Thread Starter cometto




    thanks for the answer.

    I used the code to register the style:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'register_custom_theme_styles' );
    function register_custom_theme_styles() {
        wp_register_style( 'styles.pure', '/wp-content/themes/flatsome-child/assets/css/styles.pure.css' );
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'styles.pure' );

    Is this the correct method?

    2. See the screenshot
    – the critical chain is shown there
    Pure css contains selected lines of css code from your plugin. That element is contained there somewhere.

    @font-face {
        font-display: swap;
        font-family: crstar;
        src: url(https://liveflooring.com/wp-content/plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/fonts/star.eot);
        src: url(https://liveflooring.com/wp-content/plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/fonts/star.eot#iefix) format("embedded-opentype"),
            url(https://liveflooring.com/wp-content/plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/fonts/star.ttf) format("truetype"), url(https://liveflooring.com/wp-content/plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/fonts/star.svg#star) format("svg");
        font-weight: 400;
        font-style: normal;
        font-display: swap;

    One more thing:
    I’m using your plugin at the bottom of the product page – is there any way to delay styles.pure css as much as possible? I moved it with AssetCleanup from head to body but it didn’t do much.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by cometto.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by cometto.
    Neo WhiteRabbit



    1. Please follow this documentation to know how to enqueue scripts

    2. I don’t know where did you copy the CSS code but you can search on our source code again, there is no code data:application/x-font-woff;base64 like that.

    3. I’ve not heard about the delay in loading CSS files. I think minifying them would be a better way.

    Thread Starter cometto



    When I remove this x-font-woff line from code yellow rating stars disappear.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by cometto.
    Thread Starter cometto



    im using https://purifycss.online/ and when I try download css code (clean, minified) there is line mentioned above. Trying to grab clean css from frontend.css and reviews-grid.css. Is this method wrong?

    Neo WhiteRabbit



    You can try to deactivate all plugins except CusRev, WooCommerce and switch to the standard theme of WordPress (Twenty TwentyOne) and grab the clean CSS again. It could be inserted by another plugin or your theme.

    Thread Starter cometto


    Hi @longnguyen89

    Tried to grap used css from both files and paste it to theme css file. Result is that stars (ratings stars) are displayed as &&&&. Why is it happening?

    Neo WhiteRabbit



    You should re-check your custom CSS file if it works or not. The register style function should not use the path to the file, it could be done with the function get_stylesheet_directory_uri()

    wp_register_style( 'styles.pure', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/styles.pure.css' );

    Or contact your theme support to ask for loading the custom CSS file from their child theme folder.

    Thread Starter cometto



    thank you for advices. will test it.

    1 more offtopic question. Im using Cusrev cron (wp is not working for me, despite its enabled) and I send reminder 7 weeks after I close order. Sometimes customers forget to add review and they ask to send email again. On yourwebsite in reminders section there is no option to send it again. Is it possible to turn on that option?

    Neo WhiteRabbit



    The question does not relate to the topic title, please create a new topic and I will reply there. Thanks.

    Thread Starter cometto



    OK, I created new topic.

    BTW: here is question about performance / seo.

    Lighthouse warning in Accessibillity section:
    – Links do not have a discernible name
    tbody > tr.ivole-histogramRow > td.ivole-histogramCell2 > a.cr-histogram-a

    How to solve this problem?

    Neo WhiteRabbit



    Thanks for the feedback.

    I got it. The link to the filter star rating should have a discernible name. I’ve escalated this to the development team to fix it in the next update.

    Thread Starter cometto



    good to hear that, thank you

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