• atallen


    Thank you for the great plugin. Is exactly what I was looking for and the best plugin you can find for this purpose…

    The following image URLs often appear in my posts:
    These image files are not captured by your plugin.

    So far I only knew this from form data transmissions like:
    index.html?var=123. But I have such pictures in my posts.

    Can you fix this in the next update please?

      My suggested solution would be:

    $path= substr( $url, strrpos( $url, ‘.’ )+4);
    $url = str_ireplace($path, ”, $url);

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  • Plugin Author ishitaka



    This is a good suggestion and we have adopted it for version 1.9.0.
    Thanks for the review and suggestions.

    Thread Starter atallen


    great job, thanks for the update.
    141 images are now created from 150 posts. These images are on the server of https://livingdocs.io/
    Each image needs an ID in the query parameters.
    See the following picture:
    If you remove the query parameters here, the image can no longer be displayed.
    Is there a way that the plugin works with the attachments.?
    But it rarely happens that I get these posts, and then I can also embed the picture manually.
    Thank you for the plugin! It makes my work on my website much easier.

    Plugin Author ishitaka


    I think the following code will help.

    add_filter( 'xo_featured_image_tools_image_url', function( $url ) {
    	if ( 0 !== strpos( $url, 'https://example.com/' ) ) { return $url; }
    	$ch = curl_init( $url );
    	curl_setopt_array( $ch, array(
    		CURLOPT_HEADER         => true,
    		CURLOPT_NOBODY         => true,
    	) );
    	$content = curl_exec( $ch );
    	curl_close( $ch );
    	if ( preg_match( '/Location: (.*)/i', $content, $m ) ) {
    		$url = esc_url( trim( $m[1] ) );
    	return $url;
    } );

    Replace ‘example.com’ in the code with ‘server.livingdocs.io’, etc.

    Thread Starter atallen


    Awesome, the code works perfectly.
    Thanks for your support…!!
    Will this code be overwritten with the next update…?
    Wouldn’t be bad, I can quickly install it again…


    Plugin Author ishitaka


    There are no plans to add it for the time being, as we have to create a screen for entering the URL. excuse me.

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