Hi @eyeswiseopen,
This could be due a different number of reasons. To learn more, we first need to ask a few details: are you sure the customers are actually placing the order or just reaching the checkout page (as you said, they don’t pay)? Generally speaking, if the customer doesn’t click on place order, the order simply doesn’t get created.
The easiest way to know for sure is if you make a test order, you should get the email both as a customer and as the store admin. Additionally you should see your order in your orders list, if you do, on which status do you find it?
The pending payment status is for orders that go through but no payment has been made yet. With this in mind, can you tell us which payment method are you using? This would help us learn more about what may be happening here.
Finally, just for knowledge, if you’re interested in capturing orders for customers who haven’t placed them yet, you can use WooCommerce Blocks for the checkout process. With those, orders are created in draft mode when the shopper arrives at the checkout page.
I hope this helps so far!