• I have two affiliate sites that I’m running these days. I’m 67 years old now, and although I’m not struggling to keep up with things, I’m a little more forgetful than I once was.

    Having Updraft Plus enabled on my sites gives me the peace of mind that I enjoy.
    Weekly backups of my sites let me know that if something unforeseen were to occur, I would be able to get my sites back up easily with little to no, effort on my part.

    In today’s world, you have to be prepared for anything and everything. Updraft, for me, is like having an insurance policy for my websites!
    I like that; security is one commodity in today’s world that you really cannot have too much of!

    Lucky for you, I don’t think that UpdraftPlus?, a registered trademark of Updraft WP Software Ltd., will run out of their product anytime soon!

    That said, I still wouldn’t waste time getting your Updraft plugin and trying it out.

    It’s a nice product that couldn’t be any easier to use.
    You click on one button that says “Backup Now” on it, and you’re done!

    Then if you want to do what I did, you can go to your setting in their easy-to-navigate dashboard and set your backup schedule to back your site up on a regular schedule and delete the old and keep as many copies on site as you like.
    I also have a fresh copy sent to my website’s email address every week when the new backup is done!

    Have an awesome day!

    Thanks again for everything, UpdraftPlus!
    David C

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by David C Weber. Reason: I thought I say an error, but now I don't see it. That's what happens when you are my age and you stay up all night ????
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