Hi, the following is an example script that will get the last file uploaded by the administrator (assumes that admin has user ID 1) and will present it to visitors as a link.
Put it in functions.php file of your theme:
if (!function_exists('wfu_file_upload_hide_output_handler')) {
function wfu_file_upload_hide_output_handler($echo_str) {
$recs = wfu_get_recs_of_user(1);
$url = "";
foreach ( $recs as $rec ) {
$path = wfu_path_rel2abs($rec->filepath);
$name = wfu_basename($path);
if ( strtolower(wfu_fileext($name)) == "pdf" ) $url = str_replace(ABSPATH, site_url()."/", $path);
if ( $url != "" ) $echo_str = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.wfu_basename($url).'</a>';
return $echo_str;
add_filter('_wfu_file_upload_hide_output', 'wfu_file_upload_hide_output_handler', 10, 1);