Hi April, For now, a way is to have a list that lists all users and a print stylesheet for that page that hides all the unwanted stuff (sidebars, headers, footers etc) and styles the list for a standard size print (A4 or letter) and then use a normal device/browser ‘print to pdf’. Or export to csv/excel and then print to pdf there.
The print css styling would depend very much on your theme and on your list (how wide, the content etc), so not really possible to do a one -size-fits-all solution.
In the front end the print stylesheet has to be theme specific of course, however in the back end, I see that the existing print stylesheet needs an update for the latest wp admin html, so I’ll add that to the list. It will of course still just print a list with default styling as it will not know widths etc. Also would only print the visible list.