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  • Thomas,

    I understand what you’re saying. But when I look at your documents, they are private. This is NOT the delivered default setting. It is what ships with GDE as profile #2, and with this profile downloads are not possible, quite on purpose. For that reason you’ll have to follow the instructions above to reset or recreate the settings you’re looking for.



    I received your debug information and have followed up via email.

    ok – I do not want the settings to be private. I want them public with a download.

    Is this correct?

    [gview file=”” save=”1″]


    If you have downloads enabled on the General tab in settings, you can leave off the profile tag (as you’ve done above) and you don’t need the save=”1″ piece either. If you want to have downloads turned off for most documents but only want to allow some to have download links, then you can leave the profile piece off, and set your settings to the most common situation – turning off the download link, perhaps – and use the save=”1″ to override in individual instances.

    Hope this helps,


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