Looking at the page, am I correct in saying that you’ve turned async replacement off again ?
I need more information to even begin figuring out what is going wrong. Would you please read the information under ‘Other notes‘ and provide us with more information as described there ?
Also, please try the plugin with all other plugins disabled and a WP default (twenty-twelve) theme. If it works in that situation, the problem is not with MTLI, but with another plugin/theme blocking it. Enable your theme and the other plugins one by one, checking the page after each enable to figure out which theme/plugin is causing the problem.
I’d be interested to hear what you find.
P.S.: on another note, I can see that your webpage is loading two different versions of jquery – one via the google cdn, one as included with WP. This will more often than not cause all sorts of problems with plugins, so I suggest you get that fixed.
This might also be the reason async is not working for you.