Hi, The invoice pdf generated with this plugin have 20MB. This is insane. I didin’t fin any option the reduce it. Just activate Enable font subsetting.
It is likely that your shop logo is too large. Could you please try converting your logo to JPEG, if it is in PNG, and resize it to a max width of 400px?
Please note that we store the plugin’s settings in the order, within the invoice data, therefore, enable the Test mode option, under WooCommerce > PDF Invoices > General, if you want to test the new logo in a previous PDF document.
In addition, try activating the Enable font subsetting option as well, that you will see below the Test mode, to reduce even more the size of the PDF documents.
This is an example of a perfect shop logo for the PDF documents:
The sample logo above weights 12 KB.
When you have managed to reduce the PDF document, please do not forget to disable the Test mode again!
If you still have issues with the PDF invoice weight, please contact us at [email protected], so we can continue investigating this issue more in depth and try to understand what is happening.