• Okay here is the trouble. A customer logs in selects their purchase items, only payment method is PayPal. She completes the order forms… gets transferred to Paypal, logs in there, makes the payment, and is redirected back to the site… but the order is stuck in Pending. I check Paypal and in fact the transaction is listed as Completed (and funds available in the account and subtracted from the Customer).

    The “New Status” is set to Completed.

    I created a number of Paypal sandbox accounts, and tested this thoroughly and it returns with a Completed status and the downloadable files that were purchased become available…. but when I turn off the sandbox mode and use the “real” email for Paypal to receive payments the order always come back Pending.

    I thought maybe it was not requiring an address, so enabled that but still no joy.

    Any ideas? My wife would really like to get her site up and going, this is the last piece preventing it now.

    BTW I do have the “log IPN data” box checked… where does it get logged?


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  • Thread Starter daveinla


    I hate replying to my own post but

    A little more digging around in the database, in the wp_tcp_orders table I see that there is no transaction_id for the orders that came back Pending instead of Completed (For the REAL Paypal transactions, the sandbox ones all have a transaction_id, The comment_internal field is complete for the sandbox, but empty for the REAL PayPal, so now I know where the IPN data is stored.

    Should this logging not be enabled for PROD?

    Thread Starter daveinla


    Bump… Any thoughts????

    you can set the default status when an order is completed. I believe this was made to be a manual process for you to change as you go through the processs

    I can’t get into my website since the update or I would give you a better explanation.

    Thread Starter daveinla


    I do have the field for New Status set to “Completed”. When I check the box for using the paypal dev/sandbox (and change the email address) it works flawlessly all orders return a completed and the downloads etc work as expected. Uncheck the sandbox and change the email to her real account and it comes back Pending. However the payment is collected and moved to her account.

    This is EXACTLY the problem I’m having with my website. Customers get a SUSPENDED status after the PayPal transaction has been successfully completed.

    In PayPal settings under payment type I have Complete selected for New status (if the payment is right, the order status will be the selected one.

    HELP….I have tried everything and this is a real problem.


    Thread Starter daveinla


    After months of finding no help, I finally gave up and went with another WP cart package… and have no troubles.. although I did learn one thing to check.. somewhere in PayPal is a return URL that may need to be set… I dont remember the specifics but after a successful transaction it will return the data to a specified URL on your server… take a look at that. The new cart package documented it as a possible requirement…on my mobile so can’t look it up at the moment.

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