• mcreef


    after switching from sandbox to live, I’m receiving this errormessage on checkout: Error processing checkout. Please try again.

    In the debug-log-file it says:
    {"name":"INVALID_EXPERIENCE_PROFILE_ID","message":"The requested experience profile ID was not found","information_link":"https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/#INVALID_EXPERIENCE_PROFILE_ID","debug_id":"588ffe97665d0"}

    I don’t know what this means. Could you please help. This is only with the PayPal Plus Live mode. PayPal says that our account is activated to use PayPal Plus.
    Thank you


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  • Thread Starter mcreef


    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    We are currently working on moving PayPal Plus to its own separate plugin so that we can focus more on the features it provides for the countries it supports.

    Keep your eye out for the next PayPal for Woo update, which will provide details about obtaining the new PayPal Plus plugin.

    We’re addressing any issues like this we’ve had reported from the beta included in PayPal for WooCommerce.

    Thread Starter mcreef


    After I’ve moved to an other domain, PayPal Plus doesnt work right. If i click to Checkoout it says me Error. If I click a second time it sends me to checkout. There PayPal plus works. If I click Pay i get a Error. This at both times:
    07-09-2016 @ 17:39:35 - {"message":"Too many requests. Blocked due to rate limiting.","informationLink":null,"name":"RATE_LIMIT_REACHED","debugId":"89e20aa84c39e"}

    Do you have any beta version of this standalone plugin? It is urgend. We need to open our shop.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    That’s an odd error. I’ve never seen that before. You need to ask PayPal about that now that you’ve reached some max. You may need to have them open it back up.

    We don’t have the new plugin ready for release yet but it should be within a few days (hopefully).

    Thread Starter mcreef


    I’ve already asked PayPal Techsupport. I wait for an answer.
    Do you plan to implement in the PayPal PLus Plugin Login With PayPal

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    At some point, but probably not in the 1.0.0 release.

    Thread Starter mcreef



    Thread Starter mcreef



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