Hi @ggz78,
I have tested PayPal payment on my end and I was able to go through the process without any issues, the payment was successful and the form got through to my submissions:
Do you have an idea ? I’m pretty sure it’s not about plugin conflict and not about API keys as the connexion with PayPal has been made without any trouble.
Since the issue can’t be replicated this does sound like a conflict with something on your installation, did you try performing the conflict test to see if this is indeed the issue?
Could you provide us with an export of your form so we can test that exact form on our end as well?
You can get the export file from Formiantor > Forms panel by clicking on the Gear icon next to your form in question.
Upload the export to any file sharing service like GDrive or DropBox and send us the download link by using our contact form:
Send in:
Subject: “Attn: Predrag Dubajic”
– Link to your WordPress site
– Download link to the export file
– Link back to this thread for reference
– Any other relevant urls/info
@marad11 please open a new ticket for your issue as per forum rules:
When opening a ticket please provide us with the results of conflict test as well in there.