Hi @ellenatwordpress
I hope you’re well today!
That “order id” is not related to your form submission ID. It’s a data that’s automatically generated if needed and the error that you are getting is related to different things.
To start with, could you please try two following things?:
1. simply remove the PayPal field from the form, save the form, clear all cache on site/server, re-add (and configure) PayPal field and update the form again.
This helps in some of similar cases because some of them are related to how the data in DB is changed after updates (though usually that’s with older versions of the plugin or if update was from very old to new version); but it’s worth a try anyway.
2. do you have any other plugin that uses PayPal (regardless of whether it has it configured or not) currently active on site? if yes, try temporarily disabling it and see if that changes anything; if yes – let us know what is that plugin
If that doesn’t bring any results, please share export of the form with us.
To do that:
– go to the “Forminator -> Forms” page
– click on a little “gear” icon next to the form in question
– use “Export” option
– put generated code at https://pastebin.com (as public paste) or put export file at your Google Drive, Dropbox or similar file storage service
– include link to it (publicly available) in your response below.
a) this export will not include your PayPal credentials so don’t worry – they will not be shared and we don’t need them; there’ll also be no submission data
b) if you are still worries about any “sensitive” data – first duplicate the form on your site and remove such data form it, then share export of that duplicated form.
We’ll be able to check form configuration and test it on our end then.
Kind regard,