• Charbax


    I would like to know if someone has made a paypal donations meter plugin for WordPress 2.01. I would like to:

    – point my successfull donators to a PHP page which lets the user type in a URLor nickname to be shown on the list of donators.

    – top-6 or top-10 donators could be listed on my sidebar, with a “View All” link that goes to a page where there is listed all donators, from the biggest donators at the top of the list to the smallest at the bottom.

    – Donations of any amount should unlock the possibillity for users to Register on my WordPress site. Thus with a donation of any amount, a user can participate in my xdforum, my newsletter-plugin, polls and even normal comments if I wanted to. Or for example comments by registered users would be highlighted differently than anonymous comments. As well as possibillity to digg blog-entries.

    – This will attract advertisers who would like to have their URL listed on my top-6 donators at any given time. I would like to add a line at the end of every new post that lists the current top-6 donators URL or nicknames, so the current top-donators would be featured at the end of my RSS feed for every post.

    – There would be a “All time top-6 donators” list as well as I could have a weekly auction system, where there is a countdown on the page, at the end of that time, the top-6 donators will be engraved on a “The weeks top-6 donators”. So when users click on “View All” they see on the left the weekly podiums as well as on the right all the same names in a “All-time top donators list”. And that list features every single donators.

    – A donator is identified by donator-email info from paypal system, so a user can allways receive a new generated password per email that gives possibillity to log-in as registered user. A user can at any time add more money to their current donation-amount. A user can at any time change the name of their donation (URL/nickname), when they do a small “(edits)” appears for everyone to see a list of the different previous URLs or nicknames used to identify that donation. Or a user can register new donations for the same user but can never have more than one login for forum/newsletter/polls per email/user/IP/cookie.

    I have found on google a couple of places that make realtime paypal donations meter, but I don’t feel confortable having a third party manage my donations:


    I don’t see why an externally hosted donations meter is necessary!

    More info:
    Instant Payment Notification (IPN) functionality:

    Okay, please help me figure out how to do this! Maybe a new plugin for this kind of paypal donat-o-meter for WordPress would be great!

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  • If you after someone to get in touch, leave an email.

    And of course if you are willing to make a ‘donation’ to a coder for this work you may attract their attention ??

    Thread Starter Charbax


    [email protected] is my email..

    I could probably make a ‘donation’ for the work for this plugin .. What do you think would be a good amount?

    Though hoping this plugin would become usefull to many bloggers so the author of this one would be able to receive lots of support for further features..

    I just hope the paypal IPN system can work with WordPress? anyone seen it work before? Does it require https:// connection to be secure thus to have the blog hosted on a unique IP?

    Amount ? no idea.
    It may well be useful but I’ve not seen such a request before and money does help. You could wait and see though – I might be wrong ??

    Thread Starter Charbax


    Okay! I’ll give at least 100$ if some coder will do this plugin within the next 12 days!

    One plugin that basically understands the paypal IPN that is sent to the URL one can specify when activating a new Donations button inside Paypal. To that PHP page I expect it can send information about amount of $ donated as well as the email of the donator.

    You can see some of the IPN stuff here:

    So one donator should then be able to identify if he wants his donations to be anonymous or if he wants to put a name to them. He can put whatever nickname, name or URL to that. And if he puts a URL, then it is automatically formatted so it becomes a clickable link.

    Then in the sidebar.php one could list the top-6 donators. I say 6 because I am planning to have a few seconds at the end of my video blog videos to be the top-6 donators on my site. So that could attract advertisers to compete with each other to be in the top-6 donators spot at the specific auction ending time.

    So it would be like this:

    [click here to make a donation]
    donations so far: 1803,97$
    overall top-10 donators:
    1. Piggy – 200$
    2. mccaine.com – 130$
    3. touchmypets.com – 110$
    4. jackson p – 105$
    5. mushroomsong.com – 70$
    6. homefish.com – 62$
    7. hampage.com – 60$
    8. Jack Harpe – 50$
    9. chickenleg.com – 45$
    10. Joanne Simm – 40$
    [view all donators]

    And an optionnal system I was thinking could maybe be practical:
    top-6 donators on feb 11th 2006:
    1. mushroomsong.com – 70$
    2. chickenleg.com – 45$
    3. babymonkey.com – 23$
    4. jesuspage.com – 15$
    5. monkeybook.com – 15$
    6. John Hallway – 11$
    [previous top donators pull-down menu for dates refreshes list dynamically with Ajax]

    This is so one can regularly make a top donations competition. Like a regular auction. I would use it so that I would include the donation winners in my RSS feed listed as weekly top donators/advertisers as well as I would feature them in a video posted on the video blog.

    Just like the famous Twit.tv video and audio tech blog, they restrict access to the forum only for donators. But I think he grants access to users manually. So I think it would be great to enable only registration for users who have donated a minimum amount which can be set by the site owner. I would set it at 0,01$

    So what do you think, is this a reasonable feature request and a reasonable offer that I make of 100$ to the one who can make this plugin before February 22nd? I say this date because that is the date that I have to show something to people who I hope will support and sponsor my video blog project at https://cebitvideo.com I would make video coverage from that consumer electronics show like I did at https://cebit2005.videocoverage.org and https://ifa2005.videocoverage.org , so I go some expensive rented room, airplane tickets, high definition camera, dual core computer to encode, so I hope a donation system on my blog will be able to pay for some of that.

    Thread Starter Charbax


    Hopefully some code from here can be used:

    so registration only upon donation, submitting a name/url for the users combined donations, as when a user makes a new donation it is added to the sum of all donations by that user..

    Then any plugin that one installs that requires logged in registered users would be possible to use it for this, like forum, newsletter, comments highlighting, polls, post-ratings, shoutbox, chat…



    I saw this feature on one of the websites (non WP) that I visited a few weeks ago.

    This is an excellent idea for a plugin.




    This could be really useful. I can see someone using this to require others to donate/pay for membership or gain access to some other parts of the site… etc.

    Thread Starter Charbax


    Awesome! The awesome people at Participatory Culture have allready done a paypal donations IPN counter system at

    Someone please take the code needed and make a cool donations meter as WordPress plugin!

    I suggest a box to type amount, click donate, under it it says the current real-time sum of all donations. Then under it could be a list of top donators. The amount of people listed in the sidebar could be set by the blogger and a “View all” button can be pressed to view the complete list of all donators, there is also a sum of Anonymous donations.

    If someone wants to do this plugin soon, preferable within a week, I still can give them the 100$ donation if they want it!



    The link on Downhill Battle doesn’t seem to work, I just get a “page not found” error.

    Look out for thi guy… He have coded a plugin to take donations. Only, he ask for a donation of $50 or more to download it.

    So, anyone working on this? I would also be willing to contribute to the development fund.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Patrick Chia has a paypal donation widget plugin available (for free) here: https://blogates.com/patrick/2006/04/07/paypal-donate-widget-plugin/

    Works well for me so far. I don’t believe it supports IPN or anything like that, but it could possibly be modified to do so.

    Edit: Actually, from what I’m reading about the IPN system, it appears that the IPN system is separate from the donation box itself. Basically, when you receive a payment, you can configure Paypal to hit your server with a form POST. You’d need code on your website to receive this posted info and then hit a secure paypal webpage back with the confirmation code, which they then verify or say is invalid. If they verify, then you save the info and post it into your page or do whatever you want to do with it.

    This does not seem like it would be particularly difficult technically. The hard part is making the resulting page pretty and fitting it in with the rest of your site. The simplest way would be to allow you to make your own Page and put in something like [paypal donators] to be replaced on the fly. Or let you put it in a sidebar or something. Whatever you like there.

    The rest of it would be a matter of having it do various things to wordpress to let the donating user do things like in the original post.

    – point my successfull donators to a PHP page which lets the user type in a URLor nickname to be shown on the list of donators.

    Since this works on a separate transaction, you’d have to email the donator back with information about how to access that page.

    – Donations of any amount should unlock the possibillity for users to Register on my WordPress site. Thus with a donation of any amount, a user can participate in my xdforum, my newsletter-plugin, polls and even normal comments if I wanted to. Or for example comments by registered users would be highlighted differently than anonymous comments. As well as possibillity to digg blog-entries.

    That would be a lot more complicated.

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