Hello, I would also really like to use a custom button, but the current version 1.8.5 does not seem to like my choice. I cannot select the option due to an erroneous use of single and double quotation marks. I have uploaded a diff to pastebin, apply it to 1.8.5/src/PayPalDonations/Admin.php: Admin.diff.
I think the best solution to the problem of being able to create custom paypal buttons would be to give the user full control over the element by creating a filter hook in 1.8.5/views/paypal-button.php. That’s what this diff does: paypal-button.diff
Users can then simply include a filter function in their functions file and have whatever button they want:
add_filter( 'paypal_donations_custom_button', 'custom_paypal_button', 10, 2 );
function custom_paypal_button( $indent, $button_url ){
$paypal_btn = $indent.'<input type="text" name="submit" value="Donate via PayPal" />'.PHP_EOL;
return $paypal_btn;
On a side note: I asked paypal support if it was okay to change the default look of the button and was told that it is okay, as long as it is clear that the button is a paypal button.