• Any word or news on if this will be available in the near future? I along with a bunch of other people are willing to pay for this. I hate to buy the paypal pro plugins plus the 30$ a month to PayPal just for this to be released in a month or so. ??

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  • I can’t seem to get PayPal Advanced extension to work properly. I have it setup to use Layout c and have configured both paypal advanced extension and paypal manager based on the instructions provided for the extension but nothing seems to work. is there a bug I show know about or a particular issue? I have tried every imaginable setting solution but nothing seems to work, any help on this would be huge!


    Here’s the beta site: https://thebabeinthewoods.com/v2/

    We just did a summary post of the plugin here

    If you submit support on Woo and it hasn’t been answered you can send us a ticket at https://limecuda.ticksy.com but you must go to Woo first as we back them up for support.

    Thanks everyone for your interest. We’ve done a few updates to this recently and think this is now a solid solution.

    I thought I made a post. Here it is again. I just wanted to let you know I sent a ticket to the url above regarding woocommerce paypal advance extension. Thanks

    Do you have a FAQ for installing this plugin?

    First question I have: Where to find the Paypal Advanced ID?


    Does this help?

    When you signed up for the Advanced account the ID should have been given to you.

    I had to call PayPal and find out what that the ID was. Now I’m getting this error:

    Error: Merchant Design Identification Error.

    Any idea what that is? (Do you want me to email you directly about this?)


    @murttrip yeah, move this to email if you don’t mind. send to blake at limecuda.com

    Talked to PayPal – this error is caused by not going to the “Customize Your Page” tab on the Set Up page (in your PayPal Manager acct) and selecting layout “C” to coincide with the selection in the plugin settings on WooCommerce.

    I would put that in your document, because without it, one might be a tad frustrated ??

    I will be submitting a ticket for another problem I’m having (return URL coming up with nothing but a single “1” in the WP page).


    @murrtrip isn’t that in there? https://screencast.com/t/XHHDVCRQK


    The best place to start getting help with these kind of errors is submitting a ticket at WooThemes https://support.woothemes.com/

    Thanks for buying our plugin!

    Funny – I even searched for “customize” in the doc and didn’t see it until now. Guess I just overlooked it – like 4 times ??

    I’ll submit the ticket – thx

    haha that’s how it works!

    Glad you are getting closer. PayPal Advanced is NOT the simplest thing to integrate for sure.

    Well another problem that maybe you have a suggestion for: Payments were not going through on orders.

    I contacted PayPal again today and ran another couple tests. Here’s the funny thing: My payment goes through if I’m running the test under my admin account – but if I’m logged out and run the test, absolutely nothing goes through to PayPal. It’s like WooCommerce won’t pass any information to PayPal at all unless I’m logged in…

    Has anyone ran into this problem? Is there some little thing I forgot to check off? This is the same with standard or advanced.

    Any suggestion would be helpful.

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