• Any word or news on if this will be available in the near future? I along with a bunch of other people are willing to pay for this. I hate to buy the paypal pro plugins plus the 30$ a month to PayPal just for this to be released in a month or so. ??

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  • @lettereye: Far as I know Payments Advanced doesn’t work in a fashion that lets you put the payment form on the checkout page, although I could be wrong.

    Seems to work similar to regular PayPal Standard payments where payment is made after clicking the checkout button, at which point the payment form is pulled into your site from PayPal and placed inside of an iframe.

    You could however put a payment form on the checkout page itself by using PayPal Payflow Pro instead of Payments Advanced. Those are 2 different products from PayPal, so you’d need to check into getting a Payflow Pro service in your PayPal account.

    ahhh i see, that makes sense…is this secure? I should still have an SSL even though it is in an iframe right? I always thought that the iframe was a nono when taking in sensitive info…is this what paypal suggests?

    thanks for your help!

    The form itself is pulled from PayPal via SSL, and submitted via SSL too. So that is reasonably secure.

    As for whether you need a cert / SSL on your site, it’s up to you, but overall I’d say it’s worth the money just to impose a sense of security for your users, as they may not understand that the form itself is secure.

    These comments I’ve made are true for the plugin at IgniteWoo.com and WooThemes.

    I am author of the woothemes paypal advanced payments plugin. Yes it is not possible to place the form in the checkout page because you need to pass the order information to get the securetoken and using securetoken we can build an url for the IFRAAME, which inturn get the payment form from the PayPal site.

    It is better to have SSL for your site to avoid “mixed content” warnings. You can refer to the documentation at



    I purchased the paypal advanced plugin and am trying to get everything working. I am getting a blank iframe on the checkout page except for including the ‘description’ field as denoted on the Payment Gateways -> PayPal Advanced setting tab.

    On WooCommerce Status tab I am getting:
    fsockopen/cURL Your server has fsockopen and cURL enabled.
    WP Remote Post Check wp_remote_post() was successful – PayPal IPN is working.

    I went through the documentation you provided numerous times and all the settings seem to match what the document recommends. I’m not sure where to turn at this point and am hoping you could point me in a direction or to other docs to troubleshoot this issue.


    please post your issue with this plugin in the Woo forum https://support.woothemes.com/knowledgebase and we will try to solve the issue.


    @blake Thanks for sharing the dev site. https://limecuda.com/dev/paypal-adv/shop/

    I am still thinking about whether or not I should upgrade to Paypal Advance and according to Paypal’s website, a Paypal Advance account allows you to: “Customers pay without ever leaving your website”

    but doesn’t allow you to : “Design and host your own checkout pages for full control”


    Is the checkout page that I see on your dev site what I would get if I upgrade to Paypal Advance? or was this customized using a Paypal Pro?

    The checkout screen will look like this: https://screencast.com/t/VVGI57LahFc

    There are some options within PayPal to change the look (somewhat) but we have not integrated that into the woo settings side yet.

    It is correct that this doesn’t let you “host your own”, which is preferable because it requires less PCI compliance. Instead PayPal hosts the page for you and it gets shown using an iFrame so it looks integrated into your site.

    @ Blake

    Thank you Blake!!

    I am still having problems with the paypal advanced plugin for Woo on a BlueHost hosted site. In a live setting mode, the payment is actually making it into my attached paypal account. However, it seems as if the confirmation is not making it back to my page. Shopping cart not empty, item still in the product catalog. I have gone through the paypal advanced plugin doc many times and everything seems to match.

    But after calling paypal, I brought up that it seems as if IPN may be failing. The tech said that paypal advanced does not use IPN it uses silent post and that I needed to put a link for the listener script into the paypal manager. Is she accurate with this idea? Any other ideas to troubleshoot this issue? Thanks.

    I’m having the same problem. Paypal Standard seemed to work fine, but with Paypal Advanced, the product remains in the cart, and the person is redirected to the home page as if the payment went through. However, payment doesn’t come out of their account or show in ours. Also, it doesn’t show up in sales.

    Have you guys submitted tickets on Woo yet?

    Make sure you are using version 1.1 of the plugin (or later if a new one gets released)

    I have, yesterday about this time, and am still waiting on a response. I know they take the most urgent first, but my client is feeling pretty urgent about this since this is the only thing holding up the site from going live. I’m considering asking for a refund and trying the other one from Ignite if support is going to take such a long time.

    @ploveland, send me an email at blake at limecuda.com and I will see what I can do.

    The client making things urgent is something I can relate to. No fun.

    Thanks so much!

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