• Resolved gianlucaweb


    Hi guys i need an help about the operation of wc marketplace.

    How does the payment take place?

    Does the buyer who buys make a single payment to the portal owner who sends the money to the seller or is it possible to make several payments, one for each seller?

    Thanks in advance

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  • Hi Gianluca,

    The payment in WC Marketplace proceed in two ways :

    1st : Customer to Admin

    Admin can set any payment gateway via WooComerce >> Settings >> Checkout and the customer can select any payment option of the lists of payment option. Now, as soon as customer will pay for the order, the site admin will receive the whole amount in their account.

    2nd : Admin to Vendor

    Now, our system will calculate the commission of the vendor for that order.

    Then the vendor(s) will receive their part of the payment in their preferred payment option and will check the disbursal schedule (via WCMp >> Settings >> Payment >> What/When to pay) and payment methods of the vendors.

    So, when the customer will pay for an order, the whole amount will go to admin of the site and the vendor will receive their commission in their account from admin’s payment account.

    Let us know if you have any further query.

    Gianluca, hi!

    I have the same problem: I need to make several payments, one for each seller…

    Have you found a solution?


    I also get similar issue related shippin, but shipping fee.

    Which is not fair. because the fee shipping must go to vendor or admin.

    If i apply shipping fee for admin
    + Vendor leave me, because price sale so hieght (they can not make shipping cost), because shipping cost all given to admin. There client don’t accept to buy because the price each item inclued shipping which so height compared with another web which they make clear price + shipping are difference

    If i apply shipping fee for vendor
    + Some bad vendor cheat on me that i can not manager, they make the price sale is very cheap, shipping cost is hieght than normal. (ex: product price 10$, shipping only 1$. But vendor create price sale 7$, shipping 4$)
    ==> By this way they only pay 7$*10% fee.

    Please update fee % = (price sale + shipping fee )* %

    This should be fair for vendor and admin in manager sale fee.

    @thedream09 The current flow of WC Marketplace calculated the commission on the product price. If we receive this feature request from other users also, we will see whether this can be added.

    Thank you @dualcube

    I liked the idea that fee should be calculated based on sale price + shipping cost. I mean there should be an option to admin to select how the fee should be calculated.

    There could be some vendors who might go to an extent of selling FREE products (sale price 0) at the cost of shipping charges (I know few such offers on some sites) and then the admin will get no commission if the fee is calculated only on sale price.

    Thank you @vnathalye for share same issue. Developer looking to hear more people same idea like us for process update this.

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