Payment method not appearing in order details page
Hello, I encountered this error the other day. I received an order from one of my customers using the TerraWallet payment method I have set up for my website. The invoice total for the said order was 0, and after comparing that order with other orders I received using the same payment method, I found that there was a fee that was automatically added to the order. Attached below is the screenshot of the order in a ‘pending payment’ status.
After deleting this fee, the invoice total is now correct. However, the payment method used for this order does not seem to show up. Below is the screenshot of the order details section after I set the order’s status back to ‘processing’.
Usually there would be a short text beside the date underneath the ‘paid’ details showing what payment method was used to pay for this order. Below I will also attach a screenshot of how the order detail page would look like if made using the TerraWallet payment method.
Currently this has only happened to one of my orders. Other orders I’ve received in a similar timeframe using the TerraWallet have been normal, and I have not been able to recreate this error by myself.
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