Payment Form not appearing
Hello Support,
I have Forminator installed on a website, and 3 forms on 3 different pages (Contact + 2 others using PayPal Checkout).
Since the last Forminator plugin update, I am having issues with the 2 payment forms.
I have deactivated all plugins except Forminator, and reactivated one after the other thinking that a plugin might be conflictingg and it appeared to me that it’s a caching issue.
Since I need the cache, I searched the Forminator forum here and found out that I can enable in Behavious “Prevent page caching on form pages” which I did.
I tested, and I was happy to see that the form appears BUT now the issue that I am having is that it appears on 1 page but not on the other!
It keeps playing appear/disappear like that from one page to the other ??
1 –
2 –
Can you please help me solve this issue?
Following my above issue – When I update the Form on the Treatment page, the form then appears but disappears on the Workshop page.
If I update the form on the Workshop page, then it is on the Treatment page that the form disappears ….
Before the Forminator update I wasn’t having any issue ??
I hope that your support team can help me solve this.
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
Hi @yieldway
I hope you’re well today!
Recent update doesn’t include anything that would be on purpose doing this or known to cause such issues but it was pretty huge update indeed. One of the common things that can cause such issues after such big update are just resources.
I see that you are using SiteGround Optimizer. This is fine but usually it also optimizes JS and CSS of the site which would usually also include Forminator resources.
I understand that you have purged cache but could you also try two more things?
1. in form’s “behavior” settings make sure that under “Rendering” label the “Load form using AJAX” is enabled
2. temporarily disable all JS/CSS optimization option in SiteGround Optimizer (and any other plugin of this kind if you are using something in addition to SG Optimizer), then clear all cache on site/server againSee if that brings back both forms and keeps them showing up there. If yes, try enabling optimization back and clear cache. If forms keep working fine, it means that just optimized JS/CSS assets had to be fully regenerated. If the issue comes back, we’ll need to investigate it more to find out which resource must be excluded from optimization in case of your site.
If disabling that optimization doesn’t help, we’ll at least be able to rule out JS/CSS optimization to start with.
That said, please give it a try and update us here about results and we then see what to do next to solve the issue.
Kind regards,
AdamGood Morning Adam,
thank you for replying back with your suggestions.
I already had the “Load form using AJAX” enabled in the 2 Forminator forms.
Then I proceeded with disabling all JS/CSS optimisation option in SiteGround Optimizer and also in WP-Optimise. I then cleared cache from the server, waited few mins and checked again.
Unfortunately I keep getting the Form to show on one page but not on the other.
Each time I enable or disable something in the cache optimisation or else, I get the form to appear on one page, then disappear on the other!
I never had such issue before, and I really don’t understand what’s going on ??
Please help.
Thanking you in advance,
DianaHi @yieldway
Thank you for response and checking this.
I admit it’s a super-strange issue. If these are two separate pages then they shouldn’t affect each other, especially that you use separate forms on each page.
I mean forms are not “interconnected” in any way so if there’s form of ID 259419 on one page and form of ID 259416 on another, they should be no relation in any way whether they show up or not as form settings are individual “per form”.
I must say I’m a bit confused at this point. I’d like to take a look at form settings and test these forms on my own site.
Could you please export both these forms and share exported files with us?
To export forms follow this guide:
It’s best to put exported form files on your Google Drive, Dropbox or similar account and then just post direct download link in response here.
Best regards,
AdamHello Adam,
this is exactly what I was saying to myself! They are two different forms on two different pages, therefore no interconnection between them …
Here are the two forms:
1 – Workshops:
2 – Treatments:
I really hope that you can help me here …
DianaHi @yieldway
Thank you for response and sharing forms.
I’ve checked them and there’s really nothing “unusual” or “suspicious” in them, everything looks legitimate.
I also tested them both on my own test setup and they are loading fine there (though I tested on different host and with no other plugins active and with 2022 theme only).
But I did notice something that may be relevant here:
1. Both these forms have “Submission Behavior -> After submission” set to “Hide form” in “Behavior” settings. This means that after form is submitted it “disappears” from the page. It should be showing up when page is reloaded but… if the page gets cached with hidden form, it may stay that way.
So the example case scenario:
– pages with forms are not cached
– a visitor comes to page A and submits it
– page gets cached
– for next visitor (or the same after reload) the form actually loads like at “hidden form” statusThis sounds strange, I know, but might be happening.
2. I’m not entirely sure if SG Optimizer does actually care for the DONOTCACHEPAGE setting. It’s a “standard” recognized by the most major caching plugins but I couldn’t find any information (and reference in SG Optimizer code) so I’m not sure.
If it doesn’t (or does it in some “custom” way) it may keep caching that “hidden state” of the form even despite “Prevent caching” option being set in form settings.
Having said that, I’m aware we are taking now sort of a step back and I apologize for it. But let’s please try one more thing about caching again:
– in SG Optimizer go to “Caching” page and add both pages with forms to “Exclude URLs from Caching” option there
– then again clear all cache
– and then test both forms in browser incognito tab (to avoid any browser cache)If they do keep showing up, try submitting them and see if after submission they are coming back or remain “disappeared”.
Kind regards,
AdamGood Morning @wpmudev-support8
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me solve this issue.
I have followed your suggestions.
– In Behavior, I have changed the settings from “Hide Form” to “InLine Message”. Then I cleared cache and tested in Incognito but the result stayed the same on the Treatment page (not showing payment form).
– SG Optimizer, I have set both pages as “Exclude URLs from Caching”. Then cleared cache and then tested in Incognito, but still the same result ??
I did another step, I have changed the “Hide Form” in Behavior to “Inline Message” on both pages. Then cleared cache and tried in Incognito but result stayed the same – appeared on one page but not on the other ??
I really want to make this work as I love using Forminator.
Hi @yieldway,
Sorry to know that you are still experiencing the issue.
Could you please confirm if you have activated a default WordPress theme and still were able to replicate the issue?
Wouldn’t you mind sharing the URLs where you have these forms placed so we could take a closer look at this?
You can share the URLs securely using our secure contact form here:
– To Mark to my attention, the subject line should contain only: ATTN: Nebu John and share the URLs, please.
Please update us here once you have shared the details.
Kind Regards,
Nebu JohnHello Nebu John,
thanks for getting back to me.
I confirm that I have also deactivated the Divi theme and activated a default WordPress theme which was Twenty Twenty-Two.
Although I used a default WordPress Theme, the problem was still the same ??
I have just sent you an email with URLs in it, and a recap of what I did to try solving the problem.
Thank you so much.
DianaHi @yieldway
Thank you for the email.
Could you please try the following script
<?php function wpmudev_forminator_ajax_load_without_nonce() { $_POST[ 'nonce' ] = wp_create_nonce( 'forminator_load_module' ); } add_action( 'wp_ajax_forminator_load_form', 'wpmudev_forminator_ajax_load_without_nonce' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_forminator_load_form', 'wpmudev_forminator_ajax_load_without_nonce' );
You can add it as a mu-plugin following this guide
Let us know the result you got.
Best Regards
Patrick FreitasHello Patrick,
thank you for the explanation on creating a mu-plugin.
I have followed the guide, and successfully created the mu-plugin.php file and inserted the above code.
I then tested the 2 pages, but unfortunately the payment form still appears only on one page (the workshop page and not on the Treatments page) and not on the other ??
Updating as I found a solution:
I have removed Forminator on Treatment page to replace with a payment Form from another service.
Having Forminator on one page, and the other form on the other page did the job ?? No more conflicts!!
If someone else is having the same issue that I had, I hope that this conversation will help solve her/his problem ??
Hi @yieldway
Thank you for the update.
We always suggest not using two plugins for the same task, for example, two forms plugins, this can be a workaround yes but feel free to ping us in case you would like to keep troubleshooting it.
Best Regards
Patrick FreitasHi Patrick,
thank you for the advice ??
For now everything is working fine but if at some point we find issues again, then we’ll need to find a better solution; maybe a paid version.
Thanks again for taking the time to help me with this ??
Have a nice weekend,
Diana -
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
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