Hello @many17
Currently, there is no way to see in the WooCommerce order what payment type is used. In most cases, you will only see the plugin name (PayPal Payments), but not what exact payment type was used. You are only able to (sometime) see the indication for the Pay Later payment method in the PayPal overview. In one of my tests, I saw this by the mentioning of Installment Amount in the bottom of the order, but this was not the case with every Pay Later payment I tested.
We will address this with PayPal and see if any improvements are possible/available for this issue.
We also have a feature request open for logging the payment method used in the WooCommerce order, but this is still in our backlog and I don’t know when this should get picked up. I have linked this thread to the feature request, so you would get an update once this has been done and released.
Kind regards,