Pay invoice button not visible on single order screen
The pay now button only shows on the order tables but when a user views the full order there is no pay button. How can this be added.
Hi @waynep16,
The pay now button only shows on the order tables but when a user views the full order there is no pay button. How can this be added.
Cross testing on a default install using the latest version of WooCommerce and WordPress with the Twenty Twenty and Storefront themes enabled the Place Order button is displaying correctly.
Animated screenshot of testing:
The results of this testing indicate that what you’re experiencing is not directly related to WooCommerce Invoice Gateway. Usually, isolated behaviour which is not displaying on other installations is due to a theme or plugin which is having a negative effect.
This document below will help you with testing for theme or plugin conflicts on a WooCommerce powered website.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply. I am not talking about the place order button shown on the checkout. I am talking about the user dashboard > my orders page.
After invoice payment is made the order is processing and the PAY button shows on the table but when viewing single order. Eg. my-account/view-order/33688/ there is no pay button for this invoice / pending payment order …
Thanks for clarifying.
After invoice payment is made the order is processing and the PAY button shows on the table but when viewing single order. Eg. my-account/view-order/33688/ there is no pay button for this invoice / pending payment order …
As per the WooCommerce Invoice Gateway plugins description here, the plugin is not a payment gateway which a customer can use to pay for an invoice.
The plugin itself does not create customer invoices for you only orders. For invoices, this is something you would still have to use an accounting program like Quickbooks or similar to bill your customers with.
Yes we already use a PDF invoicing plugin and that is working well. But my issue is still the same one explained 2 times, why is there no pay button when processing an order using the invoice payment option on the single order screen but there is on the my orders page. It’s there once but when you view order , it’s not there.
why is there no pay button when processing an order using the invoice payment option on the single order screen but there is on the my orders page.
It could be you’ve selected the status of Pending Payment in WooCommerce for the Invoice Gateway as that would create a pay button.
It’s best to select On Hold or Processing instead for invoices to save any confusion as Pending Payment is used for a payment gateway which can accept payments like a PayPal, Stripe etc.
I may take a look for future versions of the invoice gateway to see if I can exclude the payment options for the default WooCommerce status of Pending Payment.
I hope this helps.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Stuart Duff - a11n.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Stuart Duff - a11n.
Hey @waynep16,
I’ve updated the plugin to v1.0.4. This includes a fix for the status of Pending Payment which will now remove the Pay and Cancel buttons from My Account > Orders of the gateway used is WooCommerce Invoice Gateway.
Fix – Remove Pay, Cancel order action buttons on My Account > Orders if order status is Pending Payment.
You can now use the status of Pending Payment with WooCommerce Invoice Gateway and those buttons will not display for customers.
I hope this helps and thanks for bringing little quirk this to my attention ??
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Stuart Duff - a11n.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Stuart Duff - a11n.
1. This issue is NOT resolved.
2. I have just seen your changelog for the latest update
“fix – Remove Pay, Cancel order action buttons on My Account > Orders if order status is Pending Payment.”
WHY WHY WHY would you REMOVE the pay button for an order that is PENDING PAYMENT!!!
This makes no sense.. The order needs to be paid so you are removing the pay button? please revert that update its rediculous
Hey Wayne,
This makes no sense. The order needs to be paid so you are removing the pay button? please revert that update its rediculous
It seems like you’re misunderstanding how the WooCommerce Invoice Gateway extension functions and what the purpose of this extension is for. Let me clarify that below for you so you can gain a clear understanding of the functionality of the extension and what process it’s been designed for.
An account customer is a business which has a contract with another business to receive products for no payment upfront and who then settles their total outstanding account balance for products received usually on a monthly basis.
The WooCommerce Invoice Gateways extensions main function is to let a businesses existing account customers create an order on a company website without paying for that order.
The account customer would then be physically invoiced by the business who sold them the products on account at a later date for the total outstanding monetary amount relating to all account invoices they have purchased, usually on a monthly 30-day rolling schedule.
Once the account customer orders have been created in WooCommerce the business owner would then invoice that account customer for payment using an external invoicing service like QuickBooks or via a companies internal account departments invoicing procedure.
The account customer would then receive that invoice usually by physical post/mail and settle their account monthly via phone, via an invoicing service like QuickBooks or via a business bank account money transfer to the company who is selling them the products on an account basis.
To clarify the purpose of the WooCommerce Invoice Gateway is NOT to let customers pay for an order online using WooCommerce and it’s for B2B account sales using external billing software.
WHY WHY WHY would you REMOVE the pay button for an order that is PENDING PAYMENT!!!
The payment and cancel buttons are only removed for orders which have been created using the WooCommerce Invoice Gateway extension for the reason being that you cannot pay for orders online which have been created using WooCommerce Invoice Gateway. This fact makes those particular buttons redundant.
The removal of those buttons within the WooCommerce Invoice Gateway also only affects orders made using the WooCommerce Invoice Gateway extension.
Any orders made by customers on a site using payment gateways which do allow for online payments like PayPal, Stripe as an example will still show the Pay and Cancel buttons if the order status was for some reason Pending Payment.
I hope this helps clarify the purpose and functionality of the WooCommerce Invoice Gateway extension for you.
If you wish customers to pay for orders online my WooCommerce Invoice Gateway extension is not an extension which will work for you as it’s not been designed to be used for that purpose.
I hope this helps ??
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Stuart Duff - a11n.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Using your previous version the case was met for a project we are working on.
Customer chooses invoice payment. order gets marked as pending payment.
User gets prompted to pay when they are ready
then they can visit their account and pay for the order using a gateway which takes payment,
I have rolled back to that version to meet this use case. Which could also be a use case for many other of your customers. Could you possibly code a settings option to have the plugin work this way or your way and give your plugin users a choice?
Any response to the above please?
Hey @waynep16,
I’ve had some free time to work on my plugins this week and added a filter in v1.0.5 which can be used to re-enable the order action buttons.
I hope this helps.
Thank you. All sorted now
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
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