• Resolved Robswaimea


    The shortcode works but just can’t “search”…

    Cool template.. makes the lists in a “table” sort in place of a list…
    considering I have over 200+ locations.. and more to come…

    OK.. this should work.. but doesn’t
    [custom_locations_list state="MD"

    I tried to add filters to the Pastebin file… but I’m just not experienced to figure it out..

    The top of the Pastebin looks like this…

    function em_mod_custom_locations_list(){
                  global $wp_query;
    	$events = EM_Locations::get(array('scope'=>'all','limit'=>200));

    and the bottom is this…

    add_shortcode('custom_locations_list', 'em_mod_custom_locations_list');

    It should be “searchable” ? Yes ? If it is I don’t have the knowledge to get the “filter” hooked in…
    I tried a bunch of ideas…

    I can “hardcode” the file… with anything.. even my custom taxonomy’s..
    $events = EM_Locations::get(array('scope'=>'all','limit'=>200,'locationtype'=>'bar','locationstatecategory'=>'md'));

    And I great results..

    But it should be searchable with the shortcode.. even the “stock” state="MD" ?

    This shouldn’t be too hard.. I just don’t understand “add_filter” or whatever it takes to make it work..

    Thanks again of course..


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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    since it’s a custom code I’m afraid that location state attribute will work out of the box and you might need additional coding to make it work – https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/event-search-attributes/

    Thread Starter Robswaimea


    Thanks for the suggestion..

    Do you have a realllly long stick.. such that you can beat me over the head when I start off on these projects… to knock some sense into me ?
    Please ! I need it !

    While once again I learned a lot and a lot of time on this…

    The idea of putting the “list” in a “table” format… can easily be done with Div formating…
    <div align=top style="display: inline-block;border:2px solid black;max-height:75px;min-height:75px;overflow: hidden;min-width:225px;max-width:225px;margin:5px;float:left;">#_LOCATIONLINK<br />#_LOCATIONTOWN, #_LOCATIONSTATE</div>

    Thread Starter Robswaimea


    And my previous list in a table.. had nice incremental numbers attached to each list item…
    So of course I spend half a day trying to recreate that with a “count”… and finally got another simpler way to add incremental numbers with
    CSS class esum

    Which works awesome.

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