• Has anyone figured out a way to do this?

    I frequently capture a portion of a screen and want to write about it. How can I do this without pasting to Paint, file | save as | FTP | upload | browse to it when ‘inserting a picture’??

    There’s gotta be a better way, I just don’t know of any!

    All comments and suggestions welcome!

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  • Are you using WP 2.x yet?

    My sequence: Paint.net, Save, WP Write Post screen, click upload, click picture and choose “Send to Editor”

    No ftp tool. ??

    Thread Starter pcguys


    Yes, I am using WordPress 2.04.

    I went to paint.net and the website is for an OEM coatings manufacturer (I guess I’m missing something).

    Even if I figure out the paint thing, it still sounds like it needs to be saved, browsed, located then ‘uploaded’.

    I’m about to create a different thread for a ‘plan-b: posting via e-mail. Please read it and let me know what you think.

    Thanks for your reply.

    Your search-fu is weak, grasshopper. https://getpaint.net
    But that’s not really the point of your thread.

    Post by email, in my opinion, blows goats. Perhaps you’d rather look at posting clients?

    The Microsoft Live Writer is probably the most impressive of the ones I’ve looked at with respect to how it handles images.

    I see you used “blows goats” and “Microsoft” in two separate paragraphs.

    I feel dizzy.

    Now I note “Microsoft Live Writer” and “impressive” in the same sentence.

    *shivers at the thought of installing yet another virus-like MS package*

    If nothing else, I strive to not be predictable.


    Thread Starter pcguys


    Thanks so much for suggesting a weblog client. I never heard of such a thing and am researching this direction right now.

    Over lunch, I was looking at some other blogging software in hopes blog by email worked. Godaddy offers Nucleus blogging software free, pre-installed.

    Oh, don’t be confused: WordPress offers blogging by email too. But (again, in my opinion) that’s just so 1990’s…


    … and going back to your original post in this thread: Blogging by email won’t solve your image issues.

    “..pasting to Paint, file | save as | FTP | upload | browse to it..” must be really tough ??

    for me it took 2 sek to start paint from the start menu .. another 4 sek to paste and save as .. tabbed to ftp client .. uploaded the file .. etc ..

    a working man has his tools ready .. just TAB betwen them .. you will see how smooth things can be

    Thread Starter pcguys


    HandySolo: you rock!

    The Microsoft Writer at

    is AWESOME! I can paste screen shots (or regions of screen shots) directly into the post and everything is automatic!

    This does everything I want & need! I’ll stop looking for post by e-mail gizmos, or any other plugin or hack.

    Thanks so much for pointing me in this direction!

    Glad to be of service. I added that to the codex page this past weekend ??

    It’s rather nifty, but don’t say that around Yosemite – he gets all bristly ??

    *downloads writer.msi*

    Huh? Wot?

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