• Hi guys,

    I’ve only recently started to use WordPress and so I’ve got about 3,000 news archives from my current site to copy and paste into my WordPress.

    However I want to just go to the Write Post page and paste in the content as plain text, so it doesn’t carry over any boldness or p align tags such as justify.

    Is there a plugin or change in code for this? I appreciate there is a ‘paste as plain text’ button, but I would like this to be the default, while at the same time keeping a simple bar on the wysiwig to have a bold button and list items.

    Can anyone help?


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  • best/easiest will probably be to go to Users – > Your Profile

    and then turn off ‘Use the visual editor when writing’

    test if the pasting straight into the text editor gives the disired result, then, if so, paste all the other articles before turning the visual editor on again



    My company has a hosted blog on wordpress. I am facing a peculiar problem, which I have not faced in wordpress before. While writing posts I use to copy paste the article from word or a notepad into the post editor of wordpress, but it was not showing when i use to publish that post. So sometime back I started writing directly in the post editor without copy pasting the article and now when I try previewing or publishing the article it shows me only the first two to three lines. I have used WordPress for my other blogs before and never faced such problem. I am really confused why this problem has been happening and would be really pleased if somebody can tell me the solution of this recurring problem.
    My email id is [email protected]

    Vikram Deo

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