Its possible to activate this feature by making some customizations.
Please note, if you will have too many bookings, its can impact to the speed of loading page with these booking forms.
If you still want to make this customization, please make this fix.
1) Please open this file: ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/js/client.js
find this code:
var bkMinDate = 0;
and replace it to this code:
var bkMinDate = null;
2) then open this file: ../{Booking Calendar Folder}/lib/wpdev-booking-class.php
find this code:
WHERE dt.booking_date >= CURDATE() AND bk.booking_type IN ($bk_type_additional) AND bk.form like '%[email protected]%'
and replace it to this code:
WHERE bk.booking_type IN ($bk_type_additional) AND bk.form like '%[email protected]%'
3) then find this code:
WHERE dt.booking_date >= CURDATE() AND bk.booking_type IN ($bk_type_additional)
and replace it to this code:
WHERE bk.booking_type IN ($bk_type_additional)
4) finally find this code:
WHERE dt.approved = $approved AND dt.booking_date >= CURDATE() AND bk.booking_type IN ($bk_type_additional)
and replace it to this code:
WHERE dt.approved = $approved AND bk.booking_type IN ($bk_type_additional)
Kind Regards.
Please note, if you will modify the source code of the Booking Calendar, we will not guaranteed the correct work of plugin and do not support it.
Kind regards.