You can create a mini plugin with which you can ignore the desired link.
Create an empty plugin like this: https://gist.github.com/sareiodata/76f701e01db6685829db
Add the following code to the end of it:
* Don't add the language slug in a custom added link.
* This function prevents custom added urls from being processed, when the Force Language in Custom Links option is set to Yes
* This does not prevent the page from showing the language switcher.
* It also does not prevent the translation of the page.
add_filter( 'trp_force_custom_links', 'trpc_ignore_url', 10, 4 );
function trpc_ignore_url( $translated_url, $url, $language, $a_href ){
$link_to_ignore = "https://www.example.com/enchanced"; // url to ignore.
if ( strpos( $url, $link_to_ignore) !== false ){
return $url;
return $translated_url;
- Edit $link_to_ignore = “https://www.example.com/enchanced”; with your desired link address (without language slug in it).
- Install this plugin via FTP (copy it inside wp-content/plugins) or create a zip archive with it and install it via the WordPress plugin upload functionality.
Basically, this feature allows you, in case you want to allow Force Language in Custom Links, to still have links that are not language encoded.
Let me know how this goes.
With the best regards,