Sweet! I figured it out – in my case, anyway. My WordPress is installed in a subdirectory of my root domain – vcfm.net. I bought a new domain viachristisocialgroup.org and had it as an addon domain pointing to vcfm.net/socialgroup. Well, in my Settings, I had changed the values in the WordPress address, but not the blog address, like so –
WordPress address (URL): https://www.viachristisocialgroup.org
Blog address (URL): https://vcfm.net/socialgroup
Apparently, any sort of login was confused by this and forgetting my password or something. Anyway, the following setting fixes password problem.
WordPress address (URL): https://www.viachristisocialgroup.org
Blog address (URL): https://www.viachristisocialgroup.org
It wasn’t rocket science, but it was escaping me… Hope this helps someone else, too!