• I have one form submission, and with shortcodes i have a table with a link in the first column (sumbmit_time). When the user clicks here, a modal is called and another datatable appear. This second table has the submit_time of the first one (inserted manually), and i need to only show the records with this submit_time. How can i pass the submit_time parameter to filter the data on second table?

    [cfdb-table form="inscricao campus" id="tbl" show="submit_time,nomep,datanasc,tipodocp"]
    <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
                (function ($) {
                    var url = "submit_time=";
                    $('td[title="submit_time"] div').each(
                            function () {
                                var submitTime = $(this).attr('id').split(",");
                                $(this).html('<a data-toggle="modal"  data-target="#myModal" href="' + url + submitTime[0] + '">' + $(this).html() + '</a>');
    // ]]></script>


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  • Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    If the link on the submit_time has, for example, &st=###### in the URL (###### is the value) then on the target page you can have a short code with a filter like: filter="submit_time=$_GET(st)


    Thread Starter hidetsugu


    Still wasn’t able to test because my wp installation doesn’t allow me to insert $_GET in a post. I get the error, “GET to /wp-admin/post.php not supported.” I’ve tried somethings to solve this without success. Do you have any idea what i have to do? Thank You

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    You can’t put the text “$_GET” in a short code?

    Thread Starter hidetsugu


    yup… i can’t. If you google for the error, “GET to /wp-admin/post.php not supported.” seems to be quite common. Seems to be related with mod_security, but the solutions i’ve tested so far didn’t work, wich was why i tried to see if you knew something that could help me.

    Thread Starter hidetsugu


    I still wasn’t able to solve the $_GET issue. Do you think i can use $_COOKIE? Can i set the cookie with a new value when a link is clicked, and then read from cookie, because $_COOKIE gives no error. How can i set a cookie here? Thank You.

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